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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ092  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:13401,页数:21

摘    要

     随着电子商务的快速发展,使其逐渐成为研究的热点,电子商务已成为最有发展前景的商务模式,然而其安全问题也日益备受关注。电子签名技术是保证电子商务安全的重要手段和技术,可见电子商务法制化对电子商务发展的重要性。作为中国首部“真正意义上的信息化法律”, 电子签名法的出台必将进一步加快我国电子商务法制建设的进程 , 并为其进一步发展铺平道路,无疑具有重要意义。电子商务作为网络经济商务往来的主要交易模式, 正日益成为信息经济发展的动力和新的经济增长点,。本论文的逻辑思路是首先介绍电子签名法进程及主要内容,然后阐述电子签名法在电子商务领域的应用,并重点分析电子签名法存在的问题和发展趋势, 最后提出部分问题的解决方案。

【关键词】电子签名法  电子签名  电子商务



With the fast development of electronic commerce, it has become the most potential business model among all hot topics. However, its security issues are drawing more and more attentions from all walks around. The electronic signature technology has been applied, as an important means and technology, for the protection of E-commerce. Therefore, the legalization of E-commerce is significant for the development of E-commerce. Electronic signature law, as Chinese initial ''''informationized law '''', will speed up the legislation of E-commerce Law in China and pay the way for its further development. I will definitely become a major business transaction pattern in the business activities in the internet economy.
This article introduced the electronic signature law advancement and the main content and elaborates the electronic signature law and the commerce domain application. This article focuses on the electronic signature law issues and its development tendency. Finally the paper provides solutions to some of the issues concerned.

[ Key word ]  Electronic commerce; Electron signature; Electronic signature law 

目 录
前言 .............................................................2
1  研究背景 ......................................................2
1.1国外发展情况 ..................................................2
1.2 国内电子签名法的现状 .........................................3
2  基本概念 ......................................................4
2.1 电子签名法 ...................................................4
2.2电子商务 ......................................................6
3  电子签名法在电子商务的中相关问题 ..............................10
3.1电子签名法发展环境 ............................................10
3.2  技术发展程度 ................................................11
3.3  电子签名的缺陷 ..............................................13
4   电子签名法在电子商务领域中逐渐完善 ...........................15
4.1 安全性规定保障 ...............................................15
4.2 信用体系的建设 ..............................................16
4.3 新技术的适用程度 ............................................16
5   电子签名法的效力 .............................................17
5.1电子签名法为电子商务奠定法律基础 ..............................17
5.2电子签名法为在线交易提供法律和技术保障 ........................17
6.总结 ..........................................................18
参考文献 .........................................................20
致    谢 .........................................................21

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