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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


文编号:DZ069  论文字数:11760,页数:19

摘    要


【关键词】电子商务  信息过量  数据挖掘  聚类分析



E-commerce has become the typical representation in the flourish, new economy that is impacting the Business concepts and models of people formed for thousands of years. But with the popularity of the Internet, information overload has enabled us to discover useful knowledge timely, increase the rate of utilization of information. Data mining is considered to be one of effective methods to resolve ''''data explosion'''' and ''''data rich, information poor''''.
This paper firstly discusses information services and new features of demand of that to enterprises. Secondly it expounds data mining technology and that can be used for e-commerce activities. Then it analyzes of application programme and business cases with data mining technology in e-commerce. The full text seeks to clarify data mining technology ( clustering analysis and association analysis especially ) will play an increasingly major role in the rather stiff market competition in the future, which enable enterprises to gain more commercial value.

【Key Words】E-commerce; Information overload; Data mining;
Clustering analysis


目  录

1  前言 ............................................................2
1.1背景............................................................ 2
1.2研究现状 ........................................................2
2  电子商务中信息服务的特点........................................ 3
2.1企业信息需求的新特点 ............................................3
2.2信息服务的新特点................................................ 4
3  电子商务中的数据挖掘技术 ........................................4
3.1关联分析(association analysis)................................ 5
3.2数据分类(data classification)................................. 6
3.3聚类分析(clustering analysis) .................................6
3.4序列模式挖掘(sequence pattern mining) .........................7
4 电子商务中数据挖掘技术的应用 .....................................8

4.1企业电子商务中对信息服务挖掘利用的基本方案 ......................8
4.2 Our Mall方便购的关联规则分析网络营销策略 .......................10
5  总结............................................................ 15
5.1基于Web数据挖掘技术的电子商务模式兴起........................... 15
5.2总结 ............................................................16

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