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论反倾销法的“均衡调节器” 公共利益制度

来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30

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论文编号:GM172   论文字数:9515,页数:14

摘    要


【关键词】  反倾销法 均衡调节器 公共利益制度

Along with fast development of the economical globalization, anti-dumping cases are increasing. Therefore we need to insert some kinds of systems to control these matters happen again. And that is why the public benefits systems are introduced as a balance equalizer in anti-dumping cases. Firstly, this thesis introduces some living examples concerning anti-dumping cases enforced by EU against China which can prove that public benefit had introduced into anti-dumping cases. And then analyze the public benefit systems in these cases. Secondly, the author analyzes the necessity in introducing it into anti-dumping cases through Industrial division, Benefits of the consumers and Relationships between international trades and countries. Finally, through the comparison among the manipulation in WTO, Canada and EU, the thesis presents the current situation of this system in our anti-dumping law, and also puts forward suggestions on perfecting and fully manipulating the public benefits systems which involved in anti-dumping cases.

[key words] Anti-dumping laws; Balance equalizer; Public benefit system

目  录
前言 ..............................................................2
1 从欧盟对中国松香反倾销案中看公共利益制度 ........................2
2 反倾销法中的公共利益制度 ........................................3
2.1反倾销法中公共利益制度的内容 ...................................3
2.2在反倾销法中引入公共利益制度的必要性 ...........................5
3 国际上反倾销法中对公共利益的规定 ................................6
3.1 WTO的规定.................................................. 6
3.2加拿大的规定 ................................................7
3.3欧盟的规定 ...................................................8
4 反倾销法公共利益制度在我国的运用 ................................9
4.1在反倾销应诉中充分运用公共利益制度 .............................9
4.2在反倾销申诉中对公共利益的应用 .................................10
参考文献 ......................................................13
致谢 ..........................................................14

论反倾销法的“均衡调节器” 公共利益制度......
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