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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM260  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:9331,页数:14

摘   要

【关键词】国际市场营销 品牌策略 本土化



The competition have transformed from product to brand in the international marketing. Many enterprises have advanced the image of enterprise and brand and enhanced the competitive power through integrating of diversified measures and brand handling. An outstanding brand has a very lofty reputation in public, which will bring up multitudinous loyal colony of customers and help the corporation to take up a preponderant status in the competitive international market. So enterprises must build and develop their own brands, if they plan to participate in the global competition. Meanwhile, a successful brand mostly depends on the enterprise’s enforcing brand strategy correctly and effectively. This essay sums up the actual status of enterprises enforcing brand strategy in our country on the basis of analyzing the application of various kinds of brand strategies in international marketing. At last, the thesis is to express the opinion of how to solve the problems which had occurred in the course of Chinese enterprises’ brand strategies.
【Key Words】International Marketing;  Brand Strategy;   Localization

目  录

1  国际市场营销中品牌策略的运用及相关案例分析 ..............2
1.1品牌本土化策略.......................................... 2
1.2多品牌策略 ..............................................4
1.3品牌形象策略 ............................................5
1.4品牌差异化策略 ..........................................6
2  我国企业在国际市场营销中推行品牌策略的现状 ..............6
2.1品牌策略意识滞后 ........................................6
2.2品牌价值和影响力较低 ....................................7
2.3在推行品牌策略的探索中部分企业崭露头角 ..................8
3  推行品牌策略应注意的问题 ................................8
3.1树立正确的品牌竞争意识 ..................................9
3.2准确进行品牌定位,培养消费者品牌偏好与品牌忠诚 ...........9
3.3谨慎选择目标市场 ........................................10
3.4充分注意到品牌的文化特征 ................................10
结束语 .....................................................12
参考文献 ...................................................13
致  谢 .....................................................14

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