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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM237  论文字数:7664,页数:13

摘     要


【关键词】:景德镇  陶瓷  品牌  导向式销售



Jingdezhen is a world-famousporcelain capital, Jingdezhen ceramics industries rely on the support of the last millennium. At Jingdezhen''''s history is a history of the development of ceramic to the theme of history. However, since the reform and opening up, Jingdezhen Ceramics not its former glory Jingdezhen Ceramic because the vendors did not seize the opportunity to vigorously develop the daily construction porcelain and ceramic series while consuming effort spent on the time and energy on the art porcelain above, resulting in Jingdezhen porcelain competition into retreat.

Ceramic industries in the impact of the decline attributed the high level of technology, research and development ability, small-scale enterprises, and other reasons the light of these reasons, we should take it up-market positioning, sales-oriented. Two-brand strategy means to the development of the ceramic industry in Jingdezhen, the Jingdezhen porcelain to a large number of access to international markets.

【Key Words】:Jingdezhen   ceramics   brand


目   录

1 .国内外陶瓷市场及营销现状...............................................1
1.1国际陶瓷市场分析 .....................................................2
1.2国内陶瓷市场分析 .....................................................3
1.3景德镇陶瓷在国内外市场所占的份额 .....................................4
2. 景德镇陶瓷衰落的原因分析...............................................4
2.1产品质量工艺比较落后................................................. 5
2.2景德镇陶瓷品牌普遍定位不清晰,品牌气质趋于雷同 .......................5
2.3景德镇陶瓷企业普遍规模小............................................. 5
3. 品牌是景德镇瓷器走向国际市场的利矛与坚盾...............................6
3.1景德镇瓷器创造品牌的优势............................................. 6
3.2景德镇瓷器创建品牌的不利因素 .........................................7
4. 对景德镇瓷器创建品牌的几点建议.........................................7
4.1定位高档市场......................................................... 9
4.2导向式营销,创办景瓷家居日用装潢期刊 .................................9
4.3双品牌战略,重塑品牌核心理念 .........................................9
4.4渠道创新和重塑 .......................................................10
4.5广泛开展景德镇瓷器文化宣传,再现民族文化瑰宝 .........................10
4.6以奥运为平台,借势推广 ...............................................11
参考文献 .................................................................12

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