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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM157    论文字数:13345,页数:21

摘   要


【关键词】 间接农业补贴  直接农业补贴  价格支持政策  最高限价政策  直接收入补贴 



Agricultural subsidy policy is the most important and normal policy tool for one government to support and protect it’s agriculture system. Agriculture subsidy is very important to increase farmers’ income.
This paper primarily analyses the effect of agriculture subsidy policy of our country to our farmers’ income increasing. Firstly, it introduces the present state of our country’s agriculture subsidy policy. Then it separately analyses the theories of farmers’ welfare changes when price support policy, The price-cap policy and direct income subsidy policy come into effect. And it also analyses the effects of these policies to farmers’ income. Finally, it gets conclusion that direct income subsidy policy is more effective in increasing the farmers’ income than these two kinds indirect subsidy policy, and also gives some suggestions for carrying out the agriculture subsidy policy.

【Key words】indirect subsidy policy; direct subsidy policy; price support
policy; the price-cap policy ; direct income subsidy policy


目   录
引言 ........................................................2
1  国内外研究现状 ...........................................2
1.1 国内研究现状 ............................................2
1.2 国外研究现状 ............................................3
1.3 亟待解决的问题 ..........................................3
2  我国农业补贴政策现状 .....................................3
2.1 我国农业补贴政策发展历程 ................................4
2.2 我国农业补贴政策内容 ....................................4
3 间接农业补贴主要措施对提高我国农民收入的影响 ..............5
3.1 价格支持政策对我国农民收入的影响 ........................5
3.2 生产资料最高价限对我国农民收入的影响 ....................6
3.3 国内国外间接补贴及效率比较 ..............................9
4  直接农业补贴政策对提高我国农民收入的影响 .................10
4.1 直接补贴政策的形式 ......................................10
4.2 直接补贴与价格支持的区别 ................................11
4.3 直接收入补贴政策对农民的福利影响 ........................11
4.4 直接收入补贴政策在我国的实施 ............................12
4.5 补贴后农民收入变化 ......................................14
5  结论与政策建议 ...........................................15
5.1 结论 ....................................................15
5.2 政策建议 ................................................16
参考文献 ....................................................18
致    谢 ....................................................20

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