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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM270  论文字数:9941,页数:17

摘   要


【关键词】化妆品  欧莱雅(中国)  市场营销策略 


These days cosmetic has been one of the fast developing market, with the tremendous potential market, multitudinous international famous makeup company have been attracted to enter into Chinese market. So, the competition in domestic makeup market has been developing severely.
Through analyzing the developing status of L’Oreal in China, its success relies on the perfect market promotion strategy: merging drastically after the entering in China, successful pyramid brand strategy, effective sales promotion and person with ability internationalization. Although L’Oreal had achieve remarkable performance, but with intensive competition and changed of market environment L’Oreal has to meet the serious challenge, such as, the international competitor which is numerous and become more powerful, the domestic Second-line market which is unacquainted, and the inner  disadvantages of the company. Therefore, the essay is worked at researching for the pointed resolve of these problems. Such as instituting the market promotion strategy which is aiming at the international competitors, marching into the domestic Second-line market roundly and strengthening the innovation of the inner company. Through unceasing hard workings it will consolidate and promote the market share to realize more achievement.

【Key Words】Cosmetic  L’Oreal(China)  Market Promotion Strategy

目   录

1 欧莱雅公司在中国的发展现状 .........................2
1.1  欧莱雅公司概况 .................................2
1.2  欧莱雅在中国的发展历程 .........................2
2  欧莱雅在中国的营销策略分析 ........................3
2.1 产品策略 ........................................3
2.2  渠道策略 .......................................5
2.3 价格策略.........................................6
2.4 促销策略 ........................................8
3  欧莱雅在中国市场面临的挑战 ........................9
3.1 国际竞争对手多且日益强大.........................9
3.2  陌生的国内二级市场 .............................10
3.3  企业内部的劣势 .................................11
4  欧莱雅如何进行改善 ................................11
4.1 制定针对国际竞争对手的营销策略 ..................12
4.2  全面进军二线市场 ...............................13
4.3 加强企业内部改善 ................................14
参考文献 .............................................16
致谢 .................................................17

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