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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM259  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:7000,页数:11

摘   要
【关键词】商业银行  信用证抵押贷款  风险  风险防范


Packing loan is a traditional financing form provided by commercial bank to provide support to export enterprise. Packing loan is a short-term loan, but it is of great difference from the general floating capital loan. Domestic commercial banks basically share the same definition although they are different in the operation strategy of packing financing. From the viewpoint of legal relations, packing loan is a kind of financing relations of legal, a credit loan in nature which is of great relations with L/C. The bank usually asks the applicant to pledge the original true L/C against packing loan. Firstly a comprehensive elaboration of the meaning and legal characteristics of the Packing loan definites that it is still one form of credit loan. Secondly, the service risk points are analyzed from the aspects of exporters, importers and L/C itself. At last, some suggestions to the management of packing loan are put forward from the point of bank’s credit.
【Key Words】Commercial bank; Packing loan; Risk; Risk aversion


目   录

1  信用证抵押贷款的特征 ..........................................2
1.1信用证抵押贷款是一种封闭贷款 .................................2
1.2信用证抵押贷款与信用证本身是两种不同的法律关系 ...............2
1.3信用证抵押贷款收回取决于信用证交易的实现 .....................3
2   银行开展信用证抵押贷款面临的风险分析 .........................3
2.1 来自出口商的风险 ............................................3
2.2来自信用证的风险 .............................................4
2.3进口客户风险 .................................................5
2.4 汇率风险.................................................... 5
2.5国家(地区)风险 .............................................6
3  银行信用证抵押贷款业务的风险防范 ..............................6
3.1贷前调查 .....................................................6
3.2贷时审查 .....................................................7
3.3 贷后跟踪 ....................................................8
3.4  落实担保条件 ...............................................9
参考文献 .........................................................10

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