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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM287   字数:6446,页数:13



 关键词: 中小企业,国际化,经营


 Accession to the WTO, China''''s economy further with the international economy,At the same time, economic globalization has brought China''''s small and medium-sized development opportunity, but also suggested a severe challenge. Today''''s Zhejiang Province are the future of China''''s economy as a mirror, however, small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang Province, because of its small scale, efficiency is not high, lack of technical personnel, ability to innovate is not strong, the internal management of the unreasonable and inadequate government policies to on the concept of international operation is not deep and difficult, plus the history of a rare subject on the international financial crisis and the export market, the severe impact of a sharp contraction, so that''''s a lot of small and medium-sized chew. However, we can cooperate with foreign investors, a bold investment, government support, enterprises and other measures to strengthen its implementation of international operations, and gradually more and more mature.

 Keywords:small and medium enterprises,internationalized,operation

目    录

一、浙江中小企业发展现状与国际化经营的必要性 1
(一)浙江中小企业发展现状 1
1、大中小企业分工协作水平较低 1
2、产品老化和档次较低 1
3、市场的稳定性较差 2
4、资金不足,融资渠道较单一 2
5、管理水平低下 2
(二)浙江中小企业国际化经营的必要性 2
1、有利于吸引和利用外资 2
2、有利于更好地利用国内和国际资源 2
3、有利于学习先进技术和管理经验,提高企业竞争力 2
二、浙江中小企业国际化经营面临的问题 3
(一)国际化意识薄弱,国际化战略缺失 3
(二)国际化人才匮乏,国际商务知识不足 3
(三)资金不足,抗风险能力弱 3
(四)缺乏自主知识产权产品和品牌产品,难以形成核心竞争力 3
三、浙江中小企业国际化经营的对策 4
(一)树立全球化经营战略,加快国际化经营的过程 4
1、体制创新 4
2、技术创新 4
3、管理创新 4
(二)发挥竞争优势战略,培育企业核心竞争力 5
1、加强企业的核心竞争力 5
2、实行“小而专、小而精、小而特”的发展战略 5
3、进行协作性生产 5
(三)利用因特网积极拓展国际市场的营销渠道和网络 6

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