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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM264   论文字数:7782,页数:12

摘   要


【关键词】绿色壁垒  台州水产品  影响  策略


  With the increasing improvement of living standard, people pay more attention on the quality and security of their foods. Featured with high protein, low fat, easy digest and nutritious composition, aquatic products have enjoyed growing favor among consumers all over the world. There is an increase in the consumption of aquatic products and a vast prospect of its trade. Aquaculture as a major one of the traditional industries in Taizhou has significant price advantages and natural resources. However, the expecting of aquatic products has been seriously influenced by green barriers in the recent years. The competitive advantages are no longer obvious as before, the situation of exporting is not optimistic. The paper, based on the analysis about the reasons that why the green barriers come into being and its natures, and consider the situation or Taizhou aquatic products, objectively point out the positive and negative impacts and the corresponding strategic proposes.

【Key Words】Green Barrier; Taizhou aquatic products; Influences; Countermeasures


目   录

1 绿色壁垒概述.......................................... 2
1.1 绿色壁垒的含义 ......................................2
1.2 绿色壁垒的产生原因 ..................................2
1.3 绿色壁垒的特点 ......................................2
2  台州市水产品遭遇绿色壁垒的现状 .......................3
3  绿色壁垒对台州水产品出口的双面影响 ...................4
3.1 绿色壁垒对台州水产品出口的积极影响 ..................4
3.2 绿色壁垒对台州水产品出口的消极影响 ..................5
4  台州水产品应对绿色壁垒的对策建议 .....................7
4.1 政府层面 ............................................7
4.2 行业协会层面 ........................................8
4.3 水产企业层面 ........................................8
参考文献 ................................................11
致   谢 .................................................12

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