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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM175  论文字数:11127,页数:16

摘  要


【关键词】:贸易技术壁垒   纺织企业     国际化



With the deepening development of economic globalization and trade liberalization, traditional trade barriers such as tariff and quota, are gradually enervated and abolished. Developed countries are shifting to another puzzling, vague trade measure ----technical barriers to trade (TBT). According to the statistics, 80% of the trade barriers result from TBT. In fact, various measures of TBT have becoming an important factor affecting the development of the international trade and the issue of the WTO negotiation in the future.
After china’s entry into WTO, china’s economic environment is getting more open. More and more enterprises have faced severe impact of TBT. However, many Chinese textile enterprises don’t know how to properly deal with the challenge of TBT. They have many defects either in conception or in ability. Whether Chinese textile enterprises can successfully break through TBT is very important, not only for their further development and internationalization but also for the stability of china’s national economy. Hence, we should first analyze in detail the content and feathers of TBT, and the positive and negative effect which TBT has on textile enterprises, secondly we should work out the advice to help Chinese textile enterprises to break through TBT. All these studies are vital for the development and internationalization of Chinese textile enterprises.

[Key words] Technical barriers to trade; Textile enterprises; Internationalization

目   录

1  绿色壁垒的基本概况 .....................................2
1.1 绿色壁垒的概念及产生背景 ...............................2
1.2 绿色壁垒的主要表现形式 .................................2
1.3 纺织服装领域绿色壁垒的主要特征 .........................3
2   绿色壁垒对我国纺织服装出口的影响 .......................4
2.1 影响出口市场、引发贸易争端 .............................4
2.2造成市场准入障碍....................................... 5
2.3降低在国际市场上的占有率 ...............................5
2.4 增加我国纺织服装产品出口成本 ...........................6
2.5促使我国纺织服装行业进行产品结构调整 ...................7
3   我国纺织品服装业遭遇绿色贸易壁垒的主要原因 .............7
3.1 发达国家贸易保护主义的加强 .............................7
3.2 我国纺织品的相对弱质性 .................................8
3.3 对绿色贸易壁垒的认识和重视程度不够 .....................8
3.4 对绿色贸易壁垒的信息缺乏了解,信息闭塞 ..................8
3.5 我国纺织品出口市场过于集中............................. 8
4   我国纺织服装企业应对绿色壁垒的思路 .....................9
4.1 发挥比较优势,提升企业的核心竞争力 .......... ...........9
4.2 积极申请“双绿色认证” ...................... .........10
4.3 技术创新,坚持以质取胜战略,树立品牌意识 ................11
4.4 积极研制和开发生态纺织品 ..............................12
4.5 企业应以生态与经济并重的复合目标...................... 13
4.6 实现产业国际化、市场多元化,规避国际贸易风险 ..........13
4.7 合理规避、利用绿色壁垒,提高解决争端能力 ...............13
参考文献 ..................................................15
致   谢 ...................................................16

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