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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM069   包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10641,页数:16

摘    要


【关键词】产品策略 定价策略 渠道策略 促销策略 事件营销




In the short 6 years time, Mengniu Corporation’s main production income rise from 1116th to 2nd. Among them, the UHT milk sales volume occupies the world first, the liquid state milk sales volume occupies the nation first, and the ice cream sales volume occupies the nation first too. The Mengniu Corporation in the marketing aspect, has a special side whose unique is worth profiting from. This article combines the theory and the facts together. It is divided into five parts to elaborate the Mengniu corporation''''s 4P frame. The first part mainly analyzes the Mengniu Corporation’s product strategy, expounds the Mengniu Corporation’s difference of core product and the development of product line. The second part studies the Mengniu Corporation’s price strategy, points out the Mengniu Corporation’s excellent method in this aspect. The third part analyzes the Mengniu Corporation’s place strategy. The fourth aspect analyzes the Mengniu corporation''''s promotion strategy, specially the event marketing because its influence is unprecedented to the home market even the world market. In the last, draws some conclusions from the Mengniu Corporation’s experiences and summarizes several enlightenments, which could give the domestic enterprise some references.

【Key Words】Product strategy; Price strategy; Place strategy; Promotion strategy


  目   录

前言 ...............................................1
1 导论 .............................................1
1.1 蒙牛乳业集团简介 ..............................1
1.2 国际市场营销中的4P概念 ........................1
2.1蒙牛企业的核心产品与形式产品分析 ................2
2.2蒙牛企业的延伸产品分析 ..........................3
3 蒙牛企业的价格策略............................... 4
3.1 蒙牛企业的定价策略............................ 4
3.2 消费者的成本分析 ..............................5
4 蒙牛企业的渠道策略 ...............................6
4.1国际市场营销渠道概述 ...........................6
4.2 蒙牛企业的渠道策略 ............................6
5 蒙牛企业的促销策略 ...............................7
5.1 促销的概念与作用 ...............................7
5.2 蒙牛企业的事件促销 .............................7
6 蒙牛企业的成功给国内企业营销带来的启示 ...........9
6.1 产品必须具有差异化特征 .........................9
6.2 适宜、合理地进行产品线拓展 .....................10
6.3 利用事件营销打造品牌记忆 .......................11
参考文献........................................... 14
致   谢 ............................................15

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