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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ015       包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:14124,页数:20

摘   要


【关键词】电子商务 B2C 同城交易



   The development of network provides a platform for SMEs to develop broad intra-city transaction. Due to the special nature of networks, SMEs can have the same platform as large enterprises do. Therefore, it is imperative that Nanchang B2C intr-city E-commerce should be established. The paper analyzes the status quo of Nanchang B2C and discusses the feasibility of the intr-city transactions and the problems in transactions, and then puts forward suggestions for B2C development.
This paper first gives a brief introduction to B2C and Nanchang informationzation. Then, it analyzes the development status of Nanchang B2C with Nanchang discount network as an example, discusses the feasibility of intra-city transaction based on different characteristics of intra-city transaction and inter-city transaction, with understanding that intra-city is a complementary to inter-city transaction, and discusses the problems that will possibly exit in Nanchang B2C intra-city Transaction. Finally we should keep in mind Nanchang B2C local transactions characteristics, and take feasible measures to improve the B2C market in Nanchang with the conception “Focus on Nanchang and Service in Nanchang.”

【key words】Economic Business; B2C;  Intra-city Transactions


  目  录

1 引言 2
1.1 研究背景和意义..........................................2
1.2 文献综述................................................3
2 南昌电子商务发展的信息化条件 .............................4
3 南昌B2C网站的运行现状 ....................................5
3.1 以南昌折扣网的运作为例分析..............................6
3.2 本地其他主要网站的运营分析..............................6
4 南昌B2C同城电子商务的可行性与问题分析 ....................7
4.1 同城交易的可行性分析....................................7
4.2 同城交易是异地交易的弥补................................11
4.3.1 核心服务不明确........................................11
4.3.2 缺乏诚信的购物环境保障................................11
4.3.4 网站的实用性和专业性有待完善..........................12
5  南昌B2C要发展则应采取的措施 .............................13
6  总结与展望 ..............................................17
参考文献 ...................................................19
致   谢 ....................................................20

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