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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM156      论文字数:13007,页数:19

摘   要

国内外的发展, 经验表明:投资与经济增长是正相关的。在新的历史发展阶段,宁夏经济发展不仅仅意味着要自我发展,更重要的是要积极设法吸引外资。而要做到这些,就必须弄清楚宁夏投资环境的现状,其次要寻求投资环境创新的对策。

【关键词】 投资环境  优势  障碍  对策



The domestic and foreign development experience indicated that the investment and the economical growth are positively connected positively. In the new historical development stage, the economy development of Ningxia is not only the development of herself, but also what is more important is to attract foreign investment positively.  In order to achieve these, we must know about the present situation of the investment environment in Ningxia firstly, and then we must seek the innovation measure of the investment environment
    The whole article contains four parts. The first part is the summary of the investment environment of Ningxia, including the superiorities and the inferiorities. Next part analyzes them. Superiorities include energy superiority, agricultural superiority, infrastructure condition superiority, traveling resources superiority, as well as national only Hui tribe autonomous region superiority. The inferiorities include lacking of direct relation channel with the oversea economy, the preferential policy identical or the execution is not powerful, the thought of striving for steadily not striving for change is common, it is obvious that the quality of the worker is inferior to the developed area. The third part describes the measures including improving the hard environment and innovating the soft environment.

【Key Words】Investment environment; Superiority; Barrier; Countermeasure

目   录
引言 ......................................................2
1 宁夏外资企业投资环境总体评价 ............................2
1.1 宁夏投资环境在西部虽有优势但与发达地区差距较大 ........3
1.2 宁夏投资硬环境建设有赶超的条件 ........................3
2 宁夏投资环境的优势分析.................................. 4
2.1具有突出的能源优势 .....................................4
2.2 具有良好的农业优势 ....................................5
2.3 具有一定的基础设施条件 ................................5
2.4 具有独具特色的旅游资源 ................................6
2.5 具有全国惟一的回族自治区域优势 ........................7
3 宁夏投资环境的劣势分析 ..................................8
3.1 缺少和海外经济直接联系的交通方式 ......................8
3.2 优惠政策雷同或执行不力致使功效弱化 ....................9
3.3 求稳而不求变的思想比较普遍............................ 9
3.4 劳动者素质和发达地区相比劣势明显 ......................10
4 宁夏投资环境创新的对策选择 ..............................11
4.1不断改善硬环境 .........................................11
4.2 全力创新软环境 ........................................13
结束语 ....................................................17
参考文献 ..................................................18
致谢 ......................................................19

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