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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM574  论文字数:13689.页数:21

摘  要



 The “defect” is the key concept in the product liability system. As far as law-making practice,the denotations of concepts of “defect” in many laws or rules about product liability system are inconsistent,which result in the dilemma of the law application. American products liability law starts early and has developed rather rap idly. We will reap much valuable experience through its law - making practice. With the neglected detail among the problem as the point of the penetration,this thesis studies some theories from home and abroad,makes a comparative study of the identifications of products liability defect and kinds of America and China,and analyses the implication of American products liability law on Chinese legislation. The status of Statutory Standards and Industry Standards are above Consumer Expectations Standards,and it’s is not conducive to the execution of law practice. This thesis advises some reform proposals .It is suggested that we should construct a hybrid standard like “Consumer Expectations Standards first,Statutory Standards and Industry Standards second,take different standards according to the actual situations as well.”

KEYWORDS:Product Defect,Standards of  Product Defect   Identification,Comparative Study


第一章 引言 1
 第一节 选题的背景与意义 1
 第二节 研究的基本内容与方法 1
第二章 产品缺陷的界定 3
 第一节 产品缺陷概念 3
 一、国际上关于产品缺陷的定义 3
 二、中国法律中的产品缺陷概念 4
 三、产品缺陷类别 5
 第二节 产品缺陷定义中产品的范围 6
第三章 产品缺陷认定 8
 第一节 产品缺陷认定概述 8
 第二节 产品缺陷认定标准 8
 一、国际产品缺陷认定标准 8
 二、中国产品缺陷认定标准 10
 第三节 中国产品缺陷认定标准之不足及改进 11
 一、不足之处 11
 二、改进建议 12
第四章 总结 14
参考文献 15
致  谢 17

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