论文编号:GM211 论文字数:11284,页数:16
摘 要
【关键词】服务型经济 制造业 现代服务业
There was a growing tendency of the global property structure since 1980`s, from the industry economy to the service economy, which outstanding appears as the development of service industry has become an important power of the increasing economy and symbol of the modernization. By opting for a services-led path, India sidesteps the saving, infrastructure, and FDI constraints that have long hobbled its manufacturing strategy. Instead, India has executed a services-based strategy that is far more compatible with its greatest strengths — a well-educated workforce, IT competency, and English language proficiency. As for China, the manufacture industry has always been an important motivation of our economy. But our service industry was not developing properly. The increasing of our country, from the surface, is not slower than India. However, when facing the globalization and competition of the world economy, how to develop our service industry is becoming one of the most concerning topics in our society. My paper will try to discuss this topic with the case of India industrial set-ups and modern service industry.
【Key Words】 service economy manufacturing industry modern service industry
目 录
1问题的提出 .........................................2
2 服务业在经济中地位的演变...........................2
3服务业的归类与现代服务业的发展 .....................4
3.1 服务业的分类 ...................................4
3.2 现代服务业 ......................................5
4我国服务业发展的现状与存在的问题 ...................9
4.1中国服务业现状:发育不良 .........................9
4.2存在的问题 .......................................10
5印度模式的成功经验 .................................11
5.1 印度的产业结构的特点 ............................11
5.2 印度现代服务业的作用 ............................12
6 对策及建议.........................................13
参考文献 ............................................15
致 谢 .............................................16