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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ009        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10385,页数:15

摘   要


[关键词] 电子商务 知识产权 商标权 域名 著作权



Intellectual Property Rights is one kind of proprietary rights that citizens, legal persons or other organizations should be entitled to deal with their intelligence achievement, such as holding, using, punishing and also gaining of proceeds. With the popularization and development of the Internet, there is a fierce debate about E-Commerce intellectual property, more and more people are concerned about the problem that how to protect this rights in such an E-Commerce environment. Only via establishing and fine-tuning Chinese intellectual property rights protection system and strengthening the international protection of intellectual property can we develop the E-Commerce in our country healthily. 
 First, the paper analyzes the present situation of E-Commerce and the intellectual property issues. Second, the paper analyzes the problems of the intellectual property in E-Commerce, such as domain names, data transmission and so on. Finally, the paper makes useful recommendations according to the current E-Commerce development status by analyzing actual cases and related law theory.

 [key words] Electronic Commerce; Intellectual Property Rights; Trademark Right; Domain Name; Copyright

目  录

1 电子商务发展相关概念及现状分析 ............................2
1.1 电子商务概念 ............................................2
1.2 电子商务的发展 ..........................................2
2 电子商务发展中遇到的知识产权问题 ..........................3
2.1 商标权 ..................................................3
2.2 著作权.................................................. 6
3 我国在电子商务知识产权方面的对策 ..........................10
3.1 普及电子商务知识产权的保护意识 ..........................10
3.2 建立和完善中国知识产权保护制度 ..........................10
3.3 加强知识产权国际保护的协调工作 ..........................12
总结 ........................................................14
参考文献 ....................................................14
致   谢 .....................................................15

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