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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM592  论文字数:18621.页数:27

摘  要

关键词:产业集群   品牌   浙江

  In recent years, the economy of Zhejiang has maintained a sustained and rapid development, which causes the extensive concerns of economy is the economy of country ,and Zhejiang advantage and characteristic of country economy is the cluster of enterprise . The full text is divided into four parts. The first part of the article starts with the content of brand economy and industrial clusters, desicribe and analysis the  domestic and foreign industrial clusters,also general analysis the content、classification and mechanism of the industrial clusters.The second and third section focuses on the impact which the industrial cluster brand has posed on regional economic development . Based on the analysis of Zhejiang''''s industrial clusters,technology and innovation-oriented,strengthening the professional market , speeding up the construction of service organizations and optimizing associations can be considered the inevitable road to develop economic. The last part sets up a example of regional brand, which called "wenzhou shoes", to shows further the importance of brand development .
KEYWORDS:industrial clusters , brand , Zhejiang

引 言 1
第一章  品牌经济与产业集群综述 2
第一节   品牌和产业集群的内涵 2
第二节   产业集群的分类 3
第二章   浙江产业集群品牌化发展的现状及问题 5
第一节 浙江产业集群的概况 5
第二节 浙江产业集群的形成机制 7
第三节 浙江产业集群品牌化发展中存在的问题 8
第三章   促进浙江产业集群品牌发展的措施 12
第一节 以科技创新为导向 12
第二节 加强专业市场建设 13
第三节 加快中介服务组织建设 14
第四章   “温州皮鞋”区域品牌发展的案例分析 16
第一节   “温州皮鞋”区域品牌的形成 16
第二节   目前存在的问题 16
第三节   企业品牌的出现 17
第四节   区域品牌与企业品牌的相互促进 19
第五章   结束语 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 23

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