论文编号:GM170 论文字数:11085,页数:17
摘 要
【关键词】 法庭之友 世贸组织争端解决机制 非政府组织
The WTO Dispute Settlement Body plays an important part in the settlement of international economy disputes. However, every new-born thing suffers the process of improvement. The DSU shows some insufficiencies in the execution. The Amicus Curiae has become one of the most heated discuss topics in the DSU for the expert group and the appellate body treat the statement of Amicus Curiae as the source of seeking information. Meanwhile, Amicus Curiae is a topic about the DSU in the Doha Round.
This thesis mainly analyzes Amicus Cuiae. It discusses about the origin of Amicus Curiae, analyzes the practice and development of Amicus Curiae in the DSU through four cases, then presents the each party’s attitude towards Amicus Curiae and the reason for approve or against. The last part introduces the topic of Amicus Curiae in the Doha Round.
【Key Words】 Amicus Curiae; DSU; NGO
目 录
前言 ..............................................................2
1.“法庭之友”概述 ................................................3
1.1 “法庭之友”的概念 ............................................3
1.2 “法庭之友”的沿革及发展 ......................................4
2. “法庭之友”在WTO争端解决机制中的实践与发展 ....................5
2.1美国汽油标准案 .................................................5
2.2海龟案 .........................................................6
2.3英国钢铁公司补贴案 .............................................7
2.4欧共体石棉案 ...................................................8
3. “法庭之友”的适用与接受的问题 .................................9
3.1 反对态度...................................................... 9
3.2 赞成态度 ......................................................10
4. 多哈回合中有关WTO争端解决机制的“法庭之友”问题 ................11
结束语 ............................................................12
参考文献 ..........................................................15
致 谢 ...........................................................17