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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM123      论文字数:11459,页数:17

摘    要




The competition in the software outsourcing market has become increasingly intensive along with such countries as India, Ireland, China, Israel, and Russia, etc plough into this trade one after another. It is thus our urgent issues to ponder over and research on how to promote our own competitive strength, speed up the development of softw are industry, increase our share in the international market, forge our own brand name, utilize the opportunity to develop our national IT industry and relevant trades, and find a path suitable for China’s software outsourcing undertaking.
Currently speaking, China’s software outsourcing should first gain a secure foothold in the huge domestic market, and then turn to Japan and South Korea, and transfer our attention to the currently largest European and American market when our industry has achieved development to some degree, and finally extend the antennae gradually to the whole world. There are long way to go in our country definitely, still there is fine prospect, and if we catch the opportunity, the development potential of China’s the software outsourcing is inestimable. This thesis tries to explore the relevant conceptions of software outsourcing, the development situation of software outsourcing in other countries and regions, general situation of China’s software outsourcing market as well as the service of China’s software outsourcing. Some proposals and prescription for this industry in this thesis are expected to contribute their pygmy effort to the China’s software outsourcing industry.

【Key Words】Soft ware trade, service outsourcing, market analysis, countermeasures and proposals


目  录

引言............................................... 2
1 软件外包的概述 ...................................3
1.1 软件外包的含义、特点及其分类 ...................3
1.2 承接软件外包的意义 .............................4
2 中国软件业服务外包市场分析....................... 5
2.1 拓展国外市场的契机 .............................5
2.2 国内市场的发展的潜力 ...........................5
3 中国软件外包业发展的机遇与挑战 ...................7
3.1 优势与机遇 .....................................7
3.2 威胁与挑战 .....................................8
4 发展软件外包业的对策建议 .........................12
4.1 宏观条件 .......................................12
4.2 构建完善的人才培养模式 .........................13
4.3 整合企业 创建品牌 ..............................13
4.4 借鉴经验 寻求发展新模式 ........................14
结束语 .............................................15
参考文献 ...........................................16
致  谢 .............................................17

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