论文编号:GM286 字数:13581,页数:18,有开题报告,任务书,
摘 要
Mechanical and electrical products trade is one of the largest industries in the international market. Industrial countries and some developing countries regard the expansion of the mechanical and electrical products trade as a key strategic objective of the economic development.In the process of the world economic development and changes, though there exists fluctuation in the mechanical and electrical products export trade, but generally speaking, it is playing more and more siginificant role in the global economic activities with the developing speed much higher than that of the growth of the global economy and trade. As the first major category of Guangdong''''s export commodities, machinery and electronic products are confronted with increasingly tough challenges of the domestic and international markets. This paper, taking the exports of electromechanical products in Guangdong Province as an example, illustrates the current situation of its development, aims at key issues of the exports of electromechanical products in Guangdong Province and puts forward the positive and effective strategies to promote the sustainable development of the export trade of electromechanical products in Guangdong Province.
【Key Words】Guangdong;mechanical and electrical products;export
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
绪论 1
一、广东省机电产品出口现状 2
(一)出口规模持续扩大,增长速度逐渐放缓 2
(二)出口商品结构不断优化 2
(三)外资企业保持优势地位,国有企业出口增长加速 3
(四)贸易方式结构转变步伐正在加快 4
(五)金融危机下的出口形势 4
二、广东机电产品出口贸易中存在的问题 5
(一)缺乏自主品牌建设 5
(二)海外营销手段和观念落后 6
(三)人民币屡屡升值,出口成本有所增加 6
(四)出口商品结构层次低,出口秩序混乱 7
三、广东机电产品出口贸易存在问题的原因 7
(一)内部原因 7
(二)外部原因 8
四、提升广东机电产品出口竞争力的对策建议 9
(一)加大自主创新力度,培育自主品牌 9
(二)深入实施市场多元化战略,加强境外营销网络和售后服务体系建设 10
(三)政府加大资金支持,推动建立出口保险体系 11
(四)加快机电产品出口结构调整,强化应对技术性贸易壁垒的能力 11
结论 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15