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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ088  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:7617,页数:15

摘    要

     B2C 电子商务是企业通过 Internet 向个人网络消费者直接销售产品和提供服务的经营方式,即网上零售,随着信息等技术的不断完善,B2C经营模式越来越受到企业,消费者的青睐,同时针对B2C模式所面临的问题,企业家,学者也潜心研究,来寻找问题的突破口。

【关键词】华夏网络传媒有限公司B2C 制度信任 网络信息中介



The B2C electronic commerce is a business enterprise through Internet toward personal network consumer to sell produce directly and provide a ministrant management method, namely the net retails up.Because the information waits technical of continuously perfect, the B2C business model is more and more subjected to a business enterprise, the favor of the consumer.,In the light of the problem, entrepreneur that the B2C mode faces in the meantime, the scholar also concentrates on studies, look for the breakthrough of  problem.
This text carried on first step to the B2C terrace mode of explain, through the research of the China network media case, carry on simple analysis currently to the problem faced by the B2C business model.First, this text introduced the B2C mode concept, local development condition and foreground in brief;Secondly, this text did simple analysis to mode and its process of the China network media B2C terrace;Then, in accordance with China the network media B2C terrace mode meet of the problem carry on elaborating in brief;End, be angled at the face of the problem put forward resolving strategy homologously.

【Key Words】The China network media  B2C  Trust system It lie in the network information


目   录
1 引言 ...........................................................2
1.1问题的提出 ....................................................2
1.2 B2C平台简介 ..................................................2
1.3 B2C平台国内发展概况 ..........................................3
1.4 B2C平台国外发展概况 ..........................................4
2 华夏网络传媒B2C平台 ............................................5
2.1公司简介 ......................................................5
2.2公司B2C平台模式 ..............................................5
3 华夏网络传媒B2C平台面临的问题 ..................................7
3.1网站的规划程度 ................................................7
3.2物流效率 ......................................................7
3.3第三保证...................................................... 8
3.4广告力度 ......................................................8
3.5公布商品信息真实性............................................ 8
4  华夏网络传媒B2C平台面临问题的解决方案 .........................9
4.1强调品牌,确定公司的出发点 ...................................10
4.2加大平面宣传和空间宣传 .......................................10
4.3确定商品的价格优势 ..........................................11
4.4规范的购买程序 ...............................................11
4.5规范的网站界面 ...............................................11
4.6规范的网络商品 ...............................................12
4.7售后服务与调查 ...............................................12
4.8政府的支持 ...................................................13
5. 展望及结语 ...................................................13
参考文献 ........................................................14
致  谢 ..........................................................15

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