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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM248  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:11513,页数:17

摘    要




    With the increasing homogenization of the products and the transparent and fierce competition of the prices among similar products today, lowering procurement costs is the most effective way to lower procurement costs and increase the competitiveness of its products. And with the diffusion of the network and the development of e-commerce, the online reverse auction procurement, one of the four e-procurement models, has gained the conditions for the emergence and the rapid development. Its advantages in lowering procurement costs and increasing procurement efficiency make it get a rapid development in China. But because of its short history of development, it is still in the exploratory stage.Therefore, the development of online reverse auction procurement in China still faces a lot of problems. This paper mainly discusses the problems occurred in the development of Chinese online reverse auctions in the procurement and the counter measures. First, this paper briefly explains the basic content of the online reverse auction procurement and its development abroad. Second, it introduces the current situation and the six problems of the online reverse auction procurement in China. Finally, It explains the related measures from the perspectives of the Chinese government, the suppliers and the providers, and the E-commerce providers.
【Key Words】Online reverse auction ; procurement model; Problems and Solutions.


  目  录
1 引言 ...........................................................2
1.1 问题的提出 ...................................................2
1.2  研究该问题的意义 ............................................2
1.3  文献综述 ....................................................3
1.4  特色与不足 ..................................................3
2  在线逆向拍卖采购的概述 ........................................4
2.1 在线逆向拍卖采购的定义 .......................................4
2.2 在线逆向拍卖采购的业务流程 ...................................4
2.3  在线逆向拍卖采购的优越性 ....................................5
2.4 在线逆向拍卖采购在国外的发展状况 .............................5
3 我国在线逆向拍卖采购的现状及问题 ...............................6
3.1 我国在线逆向拍卖采购的现状 ...................................6
3.2 我国在线逆向拍卖采购的问题 ...................................7
4 我国在线逆向拍卖采购的对策 .....................................10
4.1 政府的对策 ...................................................10
4.2 供求双方的对策 ...............................................12
4.3 电子商务运营商的对策 .........................................13
5 结论 ...........................................................15
参考文献 .........................................................16
致   谢 ..........................................................17

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