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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM171     论文字数:7994,页数:13

摘   要


【关键词】预借提单 倒签提单 提单欺诈


Advanced B/L and anti-dated B/L are one typical kind of maritime frauds that often occur in marine business. In recent years, such cases have taken place so often that they severely disturbed normal ocean-transportation economic order in the business practice. According to our law, only when the goods have been loaded on board,shall the carrier issue an ''''on board” bill of lading---which is the carrier''''s legal duty required by the international conventions, international usual practices and laws. But sometimes the carrier don’t obey the law and issues an advanced B/L or anti-dated B/L against the law.
So how to prevent advanced B/L and anti-dated B/L has become a big issue we should face. This thesis can be divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction of basic theory of advanced B/L and anti-dated B/L. The author presents the definitions and analyzes the differences between them. In the second part, the author analyzes the legal nature of the advanced B/L and anti-dated B/L. The third part states the existing reasons and harms causing in reality. At last the author puts forward precaution strategies on the advanced B/L and anti-dated B/L.   

【Key Words】Advanced B/L ; Antedated B/L; Fraud of B/L

目   录

1.预借提单和倒签提单概述 ........................................2
1.1预借提单和倒签提单的概念 .....................................2
1.2预借提单和倒签提单异同点 .....................................2
2.预借提单和倒签提单的责任主体和法律性质 ........................3
2.1预借提单和倒签提单的责任主体 .................................3
2.2预借提单和倒签提单的法律性质 .................................5
3.预借提单和倒签提单产生的原因及其危害 ..........................5
3.1预借提单和倒签提单产生的原因 .................................5
3.3预借提单和倒签提单案例分析 ...................................8
4.预借提单和倒签提单的风险防范 ..................................9
4.1对于进口方来说 ...............................................9
4.2对于出口方来说 ...............................................10
参考文献 .........................................................12
致   谢 ..........................................................13

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