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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ085  论文字数:10620,页数:18

摘    要


【关键词】电子商务安全 电子商务安全系统 安全风险管理 风险防范体系



With universal access to the Internet, Internet-based electronic commerce has emerged. And the tremendous development in recent years has become a new business model. It has great prospects for development, but the development of e-commerce platform -- relying on the Internet was full of huge, complex security risks. Attacked by hackers, virus epidemics, etc e-commerce are difficult to make a safe and smooth manner; In addition, e-business enterprises blind to the internal security problems of e-businesses and the weak safety awareness. The senior leadership of the e-commerce operations and inadequate attention to safety management make e-commerce enterprises will inevitably encounter this or that kind of risk. Therefore, the security issue has become the core of e-commerce enterprises.
E-commerce is on the management level, the transmission of information technology has set higher requirements construction of a security system which seems to be particularly important. How to build a safe and convenient e-commerce environment, and provide adequate protection of information, is a topic of great concern to consumers and businesses. This paper does some researchers and analyses of the risk management about e-commerce security systems based on the current domestic situations and hopes that it can provide some valuable references to the risk management about e-commerce security systems.

【Key Words】E-commerce security; E-commerce security systems; Security risk management; Risk prevention system

1  前言 ........................................................2
1.1企业电子商务安全与风险管理的概述 ............................2
1.2本文主要研究内容 ............................................3
2  企业电子商务的安全需求 ......................................3
2.1企业电子商务系统安全的构成 ..................................3
2.2企业电子商务安全需求要素.................................... 4
3  企业电子商务面临的安全风险问题分析 ..........................6
3.1电子商务系统安全涉及的因素 ..................................6
3.2人为因素.................................................... 7
3.3其他环境因素 ................................................7
4  构建企业电子商务的风险防范体系 ..............................8
4.1内生风险防范体系............................................ 8
4.2外生风险防范体系 ............................................9
4.3内外协同防范体系 ............................................9
5  企业电子商务安全风险管理对策 ...............................11
5.1企业电子商务安全系统技术应用 ...............................11
5.2加强企业内部管理 ..........................................14
5.3加强企业电子商务的法律法规建设 ............................15
参考文献 .....................................................17
致谢 ........................................................18

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