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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ021        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:13685,页数:20

摘    要


【关键词】电子商务  整合  ERP 



The core of ERP system is to realize the rational distribution of enterprises  resources. It is helpful to improve enterprise production efficiency and the market responsibility. The emphasis of electronic business is the effective communication among enterprises. Both of them are very important to enterprise. Electronic business should integrate with ERP effectively and the integration is the only way to achieve the realization of information system in modern enterprises.
The paper introduces some theories about the electronic business and the ERP and analyzes the relations between them and discusses the integration strategies and the directions of electronic business and ERP. The first part elaborates the research values of the thesis as well as the research present situation both home and abroad .The second part introduces elementary theories of the electronic business and the ERP and their application situation in enterprises.The third part is mainly about how to integrate. It elaborates the relations of electronic business and ERP, the necessity and feasibility of integration, and some problems to which we are going to face. Furthermore, the strategies and directions of electronic business and ERP are presented in this paper and the last part is the summary and the forecast of their integration.

【Key Words】Integration;  E-business;  ERP

目  录

1 导论 ...............................................2
1.1 问题的提出背景及其研究意义 .......................2
1.2 国内外的研究现状 .................................2
2 企业电子商务与ERP ..................................3
2.1电子商务概述 ......................................3
2.2  ERP概述 .........................................5
2.3电子商务与ERP在企业中单独应用的不足 ...............6
3企业电子商务环境下的ERP的整合应用分析 ...............7
3.1电子商务与ERP的关系 ...............................7
3.2电子商务与ERP整合的必要性与可行性 .................9
3.3整合中存在的问题 ..................................10
4企业电子商务与ERP整合的解决方案 .....................12
4.1电子商务与ERP整合的三种情况 .......................12
4.2电子商务与ERP整合的策略 ...........................12
4.3电子商务与ERP整合的解决方案 .......................14
4.4电子商务与ERP整合的案例分析 .......................16
5 总结与展望 .........................................17
5.1.总结 .............................................17
5.2电子商务与ERP整合的发展趋势 .......................18
参考文献 .............................................19
致   谢 ..............................................20

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