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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM559  论文字数:10594.页数:19

摘  要


 The relevance between the corporate social responsibility and economic performance has been a hot issue in foreign research field of enterprises management for 20 years. Although most of the study show that they are positively correlated, the empirical study conclusion is still disputed. Clarifying their relationship is great meaningful for enterprise managers, shareholders, or for directly indirectly other stakeholders.
 This paper introduces the theory of corporate social responsibility, the research of the relationship between economic performance and corporate social responsibility, the present situation and the development of corporate social responsibility report disclosure in our country. After analyzing their relationship through the perspective stakeholders point, this paper uses the case study to compare the economic performance of the companies with CSR disclosure and the companies without CSR disclosure in 2006 and 2007, concluding that the better of economic performance, the more willing to disclose the corporate social responsibility report.

KEYWORDS:  economic performance, corporate social responsibility report, relevance

第一章   引言 1
第二章   企业社会责任的相关研究综述 2
第一节   企业社会责任的提出 2
第二节   企业经济绩效与企业社会责任关系的研究 3
第三章   我国企业社会责任报告披露的现状与发展 5
第一节   我国企业社会责任报告披露的现状 5
第二节   我国企业社会责任的发展 7
第四章   企业经济绩效与企业社会责任的关系 9
第一节   利益相关者方法在企业经济绩效与企业社会责任中的应用 9
第二节   企业经济绩效对企业社会责任报告披露影响的案例研究 10
第五章   结论 13
参考文献 14
致  谢 15

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