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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM578  论文字数:14604.页数:23


内 容 摘  要


 At present,the Local industrial cluster just become the predominant power that pushes the national or regional economic developing, with the global economy integration developing, the Chinese economy contact global economy is gradually close, the Chinese local industrial cluster just begin. Under this kind of background how draw lessons effectively from the successful precedent promote our local industrial cluster to grow, develop and upgrade have already become the problem that needs research and resolve.
 The rise and gradually developing of the global value chain theories(GVC)can be provide an all new angle of view to come to reexamine the local industrial cluster beginning and its upgrading road. This paper First analyzes the global value chain theories, then the paper analyzes the upgrading paths of the cluster in GVC after studying the inside contact of the GVC with the local cluster and its upgrading, Taking these as the theories, further analyzes the predicament or challenges facing and puts forward the upgrading strategy of Cixi Home Appliances Industrial cluster in GVC; lastly, the paper makes some elementary research for Home Appliances Industrial development.
KEYWORDS: Global value chain, Industrial cluster upgrading,
 Cixi home appliances industrial


第一章  引言 ………………………………………………………… 1
第一节   问题的提出 …………………………………………………… 2
第二节   选题背景和意义  ……………………………………………… 2 
第二章  全球价值链理论与地方产业集群的升级……………………3
第一节   全球价值链理论与地方产业集群  ……………………………… 3
第二节   GVC下地方产业集群升级  ………………………………………4
 一     产业集群升级的内涵 ……………………………………………4
 二     地方产业集群升级的模式  ………………………………………5
 三     地方产业集群升级的途径  ………………………………………5
第三章  嵌入GVC的慈溪家电业产业集群升级  ……………………7
第一节   慈溪家电业的发展和现状  ………………………………………7
第二节   慈溪家电产业集群升级的途径  …………………………………8
 一     从产品结构看:配件—整机—OEM—ODM—自创品牌  ………………8
 二     从区域结构看:分散型布局—产业集群  …………………………8
 三     从技术结构看:低水平低档次—智能节能环保 ……………………9
第三节   慈溪家电产业集群发展的困境 …………………………………10

第四章  慈溪家电产业集群升级的措施   …………………………12
第一节   逐步完善产业链,建立完善的产业体系………………………… 12
第二节   培育家电产业群创新网络……………………………………… 12
第三节   完善集群内服务体系……………………………………………13
第五章  慈溪家电业展望 ……………………………………………14
第六章  总结………………………………………………….…….…16
参考文献 ……………………………………………….……….……. 17
致谢 …………………………………………………….……….……. 19

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