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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM159     论文字数:11212,页数:17

摘    要





At the beginning of the policy of reform and opening, national economy are devastated by the maximum. In the homeland, the severity shortage of construction funds, as well as the weakness of infrastructure and industrial structure, is the main problem Technique level is fallen far behind, almost in the brink of collapse.
 Comrade Deng Xiaoping who had a wide preview of decisive carried out the economic policy-- reforming and opening resultantly. Hereby, a large amount of foreign capital being attracted, our country has been on the lane of great economic growth. After nearly 30 years of sustaining development, the ''''super-national treatment, one of the favorable treatment, is doing its drawbacks gradually while making a significant contribution in attracting investments.
This article gets down to the discussion of “super-national treatment” influence analysis to national economy development, drawing out its negative effect. Then through the analysis of abolition of ''''super-national treatment'''' we show our conclusion: the benefits of the abolition outweighs its drawbacks.
 Then the schedule of abolition is considered, we agree on that ''''11th Five-year Plan'''' period is right time to fade out foreign ''''super-national treatment'''' cited as the current international and domestic environment, China’s own qualification to foreign investment, etc. Finally it discuss the methods and the details we should pay attention to separately while in the process of abolition.

【Key Words】Super-national Treatment;Advantages and Disadvantages;
Foreign Investment

目   录  

1  外资超国民待遇的形成及其影响 ....................................2
1.1我国外资超国民待遇的形成 ........................................2
1.2“超国民待遇”对我国经济发展的积极作用和负面影响 ................3
2  取消外资“超国民待遇”的利弊分析 ................................4
2.1取消外资“超国民待遇”的有利分析 ................................4
2.2取消外资“超国民待遇”的不利分析 ................................7
3  取消外资“超国民待遇”的时机选择 ................................8
3.1取消外资“超国民待遇”不可一蹴而就 ..............................8
3.2现阶段是我国逐步淡出外资“超国民待遇”的有利时机 ................9
4  今后一段时期(十一五期间)的安排................................ 11
4.1灵活调整对外资的优惠政策 ........................................11
4.2加强对外资企业的有效监管、密切关注国家经济安全 ..................13
4.3全面改善投资环境 ................................................15
参考文献 ...........................................................16
致  谢 .............................................................17

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