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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM111       论文字数:6587,页数:13

摘     要


[关键词]   人力资本     外商直接投资     回归分析



With the development of China, FDI has a close relation ship with the economic development. Under this background, what does the factor of human capital which has affected the FDI absorption of every city in Jiangxi Province play? On the basis of the time series data, how does the relative importance of every factor change? All of these problems need to be analyzed further and specific.
    The total aim of this report is to do some research of the factors of human capital how to take in the FDI in the different cities of Jiangxi province. During the very process, the structure is as following: Part 1 is the introduction to introduce the total aim and the problem. Part 2 is to make some simple statement of the documents which is relevant to the angle of the research. Part 3 is to make some explanation to the mode, analysis method, data resource and how to handle with it. Part 4 is the specific conclusion, discovery, necessary theory, and the interpretation and the presupposition. We can see it definitely that though the human capital is relevant with the FDI, the human capital of Jiangxi province is not the chief factor as there are many other factors effecting the FDI .Part 5 is about the conclusion, with the aim to illustrate the meaning of discovery and the suggestion under the policy.

[Key Word]  Human capital    Foreign Direct Invest (FDI)  Regression analysis

目   录

1、引言 ............................2
2、文献回顾 ........................2
3、模型和方法 ......................5
3.1 假设 ..........................5
3.2 建立模型 ......................5
3.3 因变量 ........................5
3.4 自变量 ........................5
4、分析结果及发现 ..................7
5、结论............................ 10
参考文献 ...........................12
致   谢............................ 13

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