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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM106     论文字数:9381,页数:17

摘   要


【关键词】:有色金属工业  人民币汇率制度 汇兑损益



Since 2005, the appreciation of Chinese RMB has reached over 7%, which greatly impacted the nonferrous metals industry in Jiangxi Province. Under this kind of situation, this paper starts with analyzing the fluctuation of Chinese RMB under the exchange rate system, as well as the basic condition of the nonferrous metals industry in Jiangxi Province. Gradualy the topic moves to the impact of the fluction of RMB exchange rate to the nonferrous metals industry in Jiangxi Province. And then further move on to discuss how to escape from the risk in the nonferrous metals industry in Jiangxi causing by the fluctuation of Chinese RMB exchange rate. By analysising the current situation of nonferrous metals industry in Jiangxi Province under the condition of the appreciation of chinese RMB exchange rate, focusing on the shortage of the color metal industry in Jiangxi Province, this paper reached a conclusion that we should speed up the development of the nonferrous metals industry in Jiangxi Province by the taking the following actions: Buy foreign exchange risk management products, finacing products as well as the finance derived products. Reform the structure of property right in the color metal industry. Speed up the adjustment of the structure of the industry.

【Key Words】nonferrous metals industry RMB exchange rate  P/L for exchange


目   录

1. 导论 .........................................................................2
1.1   有色金属的界定 ............................................................2
1.2 相关研究动态.................................................................2
1.3  本文选题由来 ...............................................................3
1.4 结构和安排 ..................................................................3
2. 近年来人民币汇率变动及原因分析 ...............................................4
2.1 2005年以来人民币汇率的变动情况 ..............................................4
2.2 人民币汇率变动的主要国际因素的影响分析 ......................................5
3. 江西省有色金属工业发展状况...................................................5
3.1 丰富的矿产资源 ..............................................................6
3.2 完备的有色工业体系 ..........................................................6
3.3 雄厚的技术优势 ..............................................................6
3.4 具有较强的出口创汇能力和良好的投资环境 ......................................7
3.5 江西有色金属工业面临的主要问题 ..............................................9
4. 人民币汇率的变动对江西有色金属工业的影响 .....................................9
4.1  由于原材料价格发生变化作产生的影响..........................................10
4.2 由于人民币汇率变动导致对有色金属价格变动所产生的影响 ........................11
4.3 汇兑损益影响.................................................................12
4.4人民币汇率的变化对江西有色金属工业发展的间接影响 .............................12
4.5 江西有色金属工业面临的主要问题 ..............................................14
5.对人民币汇率的变动对江西省有色金属工业影响的政策和建议....................... 14
5.1银行通过外汇风险管理产品和理财产品来规避风险并获得更多机会 ...................14
5.2通过金融衍生品规避风险 .......................................................14
5.3大胆改革江西省有色金属企业的产权结构,加快产业结构调整,同时通过金融工具规避风险 15
参考文献 ........................................................................16
致谢 ............................................................................17

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