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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM103   论文字数:9166,页数:16

摘     要


〔关键词〕  人民币汇率 回归分析 弹性论




Petroleum is known as the big raw materials of industry. It is scarce resource, a security strategic resource of state economy, so it influences national economy deeply. With economy development of our country, the demand for petroleum increases rapidly, while the production of domestic cannot meet the demand. So the author makes a thorough research on petroleum international price mechanism, put off the countermeasures on petroleum international price risk, will have a practical significance on guaranteeing the fast and stable development of national economy.
This paper mainly based on theory of elasticity to study mineral and Renminbi. The introduction mainly introduced the background of research, literature review, methodology, innovation and weakness. Second part depends on regression analysis, has analyzed the effect that exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies changes as well as to resource product import and export theoretically, knowing the regulation of exchange rate in a narrow rang will bring some benefit, on the one hand, it will be of advantage to import the petroleum badly need in our country, on the other hand, it will spur the imported petroleum to reduce the prices so that our country will alleviate the restrict of economic development caused by resource bottleneck by means of importing petroleum. The third has put forward the countermeasure answering risk rationally.

〔Keywords〕Rates for the Renminbi   Regression analysis 
 Theory of elasticity


目   录

1 导论 ....................................................................2
1.1研究背景 ...............................................................2
1.2 研究意义 ..............................................................2
1.3 国内外相关文献回顾 ....................................................3
1.4 本文研究思路 ..........................................................3
2 汇率对进出口影响的一般分析 ..............................................4
2.1 弹性论................................................................ 4
2.2 货币分析法 ............................................................5
2.3 吸收分析法 ............................................................5
3 回顾人民币汇率变化的过程 ................................................6
3.2 汇率基本稳定时期...................................................... 6
3.3 汇率稳中有升时期 ......................................................6
4 我国石油进出口概论 ......................................................7
4.1 世界石油概况 ..........................................................7
4.2 我国石油进出口概况 ....................................................8
5 人民币汇率变化方向对石油进出口的影响 ....................................9
5.1 数据来源及基本理论 ....................................................9
5.2 一元回归分析 ..........................................................9
5.3 结果分析 ..............................................................11
6 结论及改进建议.......................................................... 12
6.1 增加汇率弹性实行更加灵活的汇率制度来协调石油价格调整 ..................13
6.2. 建立以市场供求为基础的石油价格机制配合汇率改革 .......................13
6.3 通过拉动内需协调汇率改革与石油价格调整 ................................13
参考文献 ..................................................................15
致   谢 ...................................................................16

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