论文编号:GM113 论文字数:11111,页数:16
摘 要
【关键词】:人民币汇率 人民币升值 外商直接投资
Since July 21st, 2005, China has carried out the management floating exchange rate system, which was based on market-oriented and was regulated by various consultative money. The RMB exchange rate did not depend on only US dollars, but formed a more flexible exchange rates system. Meanwhile, the Appreciation of RMB to dollars reached to 2 percent, which raised an universal concern, though 2 percent’s Appreciation would not have a big influence on the economy in China or in the world, the foreigner universally considered it a beginning of gradually advancing the reform of exchange rate system.
Two years have passed, the Appreciation of RMB to US dollars has added up to 7.5 percent. But how much influence did it have on the foreign investment in Jiangxi province? With thinking about this question, to begin with looking back the historical route of the exchange rate reforming, by analyzing the foreign investment using and its problems in Jiangxi, and getting a good knowledge of RMB exchange rate resetting and the its influence on foreign investment using, to come up some policies and proposals in the end.
【Key Words】RMB exchange rate; Appreciation of the RMB; Foreign Direct Investment(FDI).
目 录
1 前言 .............................................2
1.1国内外研究现状综述 ...............................2
1.2本文选题由来 .....................................3
1.3本文结构安排 .....................................4
2 人民币汇改后汇率调整概况 ..........................4
2.1人民币升值的影响因素及其趋势 .....................4
2.2人民币升值的影响 .................................5
3 江西省利用外资情况探究 ............................5
3.1江西省利用外资回顾 ...............................5
3.2江西省利用外资结构分析 ...........................7
3.3江西省利用外商直接投资存在的问题 .................7
4汇率调整对江西省利用外资的不利影响 .................10
4.1人民币升值将增加外商的投资成本 ...................10
4.2不利于外企增资扩股 ...............................10
4.3对现有外商投资企业不同行业的影响 .................10
5.汇率调整对江西省利用外资的有利影响 ...............11
5.1有利于江西省发挥区位优势 .........................11
5.2有利于促进外资结构和质量的提高 ...................12
5.3人民币升值有利于促进外资利用增长方式转变 .........12
5.4提高外债偿付能力 .................................12
6应对汇率调整的政策建议 .............................13
6.1应先利用好内资 ...................................13
6.2实行市场一体化原则 ...............................13
6.3按江西省产业政策利用外资,改变目前产业结构和地区结构的失衡状况.... 13
参考文献............................................ 15
致谢 ................................................16