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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM267   论文字数:10222,页数:15

摘    要


【关键词】:日本跨国公司 经营战略 “走出去”

With the speedy pace of economic globalization, enterprises of all countries carry out the multinational investment actively to pave the way for globalization, trying to seek new resources and development chances to take a part in the fierce international competition. Since the appearance in the international market in 1950s and 1960s, Japanese enterprises have made outstanding achievements. Their products can be found wherever. What’s more, some of those enterprises became famous multinational enterprises. It is sure that Japanese enterprises can not succeed without their unique management strategy. In this thesis, the author analyzes the existing problems in processing the strategy of ''''going out” by Chinese enterprises, through studying on the management strategy of Japanese multinational enterprises, and put forward some proposal on the way of executing the strategy of “going out” on the basis of referring to the successful experience of Japanese multinational enterprises.
This thesis consists of four parts. The first part is an outline about the development history and achievements of the Japanese multinational enterprises; in the second part, the author analyzes the management strategy of Japanese multinational enterprises, involving the resources strategy, global business strategy and marketing strategy, which are treated as the examples for the multinational business of Chinese enterprises; the third part covers the study and discussion on the strategy of “going out”, and the analysis of the current situation and rising problems in processing the strategy of “going out” by Chinese enterprises; in the fourth part, the author puts forward some suggestion promoting the execution of the strategy of “going out” by Chinese enterprises, referring to the successful experience of Japanese multinational enterprises.

【Key Words】Japanese Multinational Enterprise; Management Strategy;
“Going out”

目   录
1 日本跨国公司发展历程及其成就 ........................2
1.1 日本跨国公司发展历程 ..............................2
1.2日本跨国公司的成就 .................................3
2 日本跨国公司经营战略分析 ............................4
2.1资源战略分析 .......................................4
2.2全球经营战略分析 ...................................5
2.3市场战略分析 .......................................6
3 我国企业“走出去”的现状及存在的问题 ................7
3.1我国企业“走出去”的现状 ...........................8
3.2我国企业“走出去”过程中存在的问题 .................8
4 日本跨国公司经营战略对我国企业“走出去”的启示 ......10
参考文献 ..............................................14
致谢 .................................................15

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