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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM118     论文字数:10887,页数:15

摘  要


【关键词】地方特色产品 江西婺源 出口 茶叶



Characteristic products of locality are animals and plants or handicraft  which have sharp regional character, sustainable development character and competitiveness developed and manufactured on the basis of distinctive superiority such as specialized resources, technique, manpower, location and so on in a certain area. Promoting the export of characteristic products of locality is not only favorable to the exploitation of comparative advantage and the optimization of the allocation of resources, but also favorable to the growth of regional economics. At present, the performance of the export of characteristic products in Wuyuan  in  general is encouraging, but there are still some problems, such as lack of  brand effect, facing Technical Barriers to Trade, failing in fully deriving the comprehensive  benefits of the export. To promote the export of characteristic products further, we should cultivate industrial characteristics and unify local brand, at the same time efforts have to be stepped up to implement the strategy of win-by-quality, establish standardization system linked to international practice, and promote international certification to overcome Technical Barriers to Trade. Also, establish ecological tea-gardens, set up cottage hotel, display the culture of tea, design novel tour itineraries to develop tourism industry about the culture of tea.

【Key Words】Characteristic Products of Locality; Wuyuan Jiangxi; Export; Tea

目  录
1.婺源地方特色产品出口的意义及现状 ......................2
1.1推动地方特色产品出口的意义 ...........................2
1.2婺源绿茶出口现状 .....................................4
2.婺源地方特色产品出口的问题分析 ........................4
2.1缺乏品牌效应 .........................................4
2.2面临技术性贸易壁垒 ...................................5
2.3茶叶出口的综合效益未得以充分发挥 .....................6
3.推动婺源地方特色产品出口的对策 ........................7
3.1培育产品特色,统一地方品牌 ...........................7
3.2克服技术性贸易壁垒 ...................................7
3.3 大力发展茶文化旅游业 ................................10
参考文献 ................................................14
致  谢 ..................................................15

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