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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM136     论文字数:13023,页数:18

摘   要
[关键词] 外资 汽车业  利益 代价



After joining WTO, the Chinese market opens market  more and more,China already on jumping to become world the third sale big country and world the fourth manufacturing big country, Chinese huge development space of the Automotive market makes the foreign capital enter continuously. After WTO, foreign capital enter every field of Chinese Automotive industry, they gradually finish their stratagem in china. The foreign capital gets into in succession, promoting the high-speed development of the Chinese Automotive industry, but also brought negative influence on automotive exterior environment and the industry safe. The Automotive industry in China faces a difficult situation .This text gets the analytical of foreign capital into the china automotive industry, gains or losses that the car industry brings, using some example and figures. The first part analyze the situation that foreign capital into Chinese Automotive industry. The second part is the good effect in Chinese Automotive industry, the third part is explains bad effect in Chinese Automotive industry. Finally is give some advise which is suit for Chinese Automotive industry in the future.

【Key Words】foreign capital  Automotive industry  Benefits  cost 

目  录
1外资进入中国汽车的现状 ..........................................2
1.1入世后汽车业外资总量概况 ......................................2
1.2外资进入的方式................................................ 4
1.3外资进入中国汽车业的领域 ......................................4
2外资进入汽车业的积极影响 ........................................5
2.1加大了汽车工业的投资力度 ......................................5
2.2带来管理运作经验及企业文化 ....................................5
2.3满足了国内市场的需要并扩大出口量 ..............................6
2.4促进汽车产品技术水平提高,产品和产业结构趋向合理 ..............7
2.5提高市场竞争力 ................................................8
2.6促进汽车产业规模的实现 ........................................9
2.7有效带动了上下游相关产业的发展................................ 9
3外资进入我国汽车业的消极影响 ....................................10
3.1中国汽车业难以获得核心技术 ....................................10
3.2加剧我国汽车业的竞争 ..........................................11
3.3外资集中度过高,控制高技术领域 ................................11
3.4面临产业安全问题 ..............................................12
3.5加大垄断风险 ..................................................13
4利用外资对策 ....................................................13
4.1增强自主创新能力 ..............................................14
4.2提高本国的产业集中度 ..........................................14
4.3改善国内市场环境 ..............................................15
4.5合理利用外资,维护产业安全 ....................................15
参考文献 .........................................................17
致    谢 .........................................................18

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