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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM064   包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:13947,页数:20

摘   要


[关键词]  现代商业银行 股份制改革 外资银行 国民待遇 公司治理


As our entry into WTO, there are many changes on our commercial bank in several ways. In contrast to the past, more commercial banks especially four stated-own commercial banks made a great progress in these five years, and the listing of Bank of China and Industry and Commercial Bank of China attract the attention all over the world. Nowadays, our commercial bank accommodated them in order to adapt the challenge from the world. The article mainly research about the changes to adapt the situation as a member of WTO, concluding extensive data and many instances to explain what they have done with the changes, then analyzed the changes in the sight of macro and micro, explained them in several part, for example, the reform of stock-holding system, internally piloting mechanisms and supervision system, the national treatment of foreign capital bank and the modes of operation. Finally, it makes an analytic expression prospect of our commercial bank. In face of challenges all over the world, our commercial bank should lose no time to accomplish the reform, then “dancing with the wolves”.

[Key words]  Modern Commercial Bank, Stork-holding System Reform
Foreign Capital Bank, National Treatment, Corporation Governance


目   录

引言   ...........................................2
1 商业银行加入WTO前的情况 ........................2
1.1经营方式落后 ..................................2
1.2不良资产负担重 ................................3
1.3公司治理结构不合理 ............................4
1.4对外界缺乏透明度 ..............................5
2 过渡期内商业银行的适应性调整 ...................5
2.1管理方面调整 ..................................5
2.2 政策方面的调整............................... 9
2.3 市场战略的调整 ...............................10
3  对过渡期结束后商业银行适应性调整的思考 ........14
3.1 增强银行服务能力 .............................15
3.2 银行从分业经营走向混业经营 ...................15
3.3银行走向国际化 ................................16
参考文献 .........................................19
致谢  ............................................20

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