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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM090     论文字数:12515,页数:18

摘   要


【关键词】:山东省  蔬菜  出口贸易



With the development of global economy’s incorporation and China’s entrance into WTO, the relationship between China and the other countries is getting increasingly closer. As a chief factor of bridge between district and global economy, the export of produce in Shandong especially vegetables has gained a leap jump, but at the same time, there were many questions in vegetables export in Shandong, aimed at the questions in the export vegetable in Shandong at present, for the ask of advancing the development of agriculture and rural economics, improving the peasant incomes and enlarging the international market possessing ratio of vegetable of Shandong, we should use advance science technique, craft equipments and marketing methods to reform the traditional vegetable industry. This article can be divided into four major parts: The first part is anglicizing the trade present situation of the Shandong vegetable export trade; The second part is anglicizing the major questions in vegetable export trade in Shandong; The third part is anglicizing the influence to Shandong vegetable export trade from the international market situation; The fourth part is anglicizing the countermeasures for Shandong vegetable export trade to the facing questions.

【Key Words】Shandong; Vegetable; Export trade

目  录

前  言 .........................................2
1 山东省蔬菜出口贸易现状分析 ...................3
1.1 近十年来的出口总量和总额 ...................3
1.2出口市场布局 ................................5
1.3  出口贸易优势 ..............................5
2  山东省蔬菜出口贸易存在的主要问题分析 ........7
2.1蔬菜质量不一尚存安全隐患 ....................7
2.2 出口市场过于集中存在风险 ...................8
2.3 蔬菜品种商品性不佳......................... 8
2.4蔬菜增值技术落后 ............................8
2.5支持政策尚不到位 ............................9
2.6企业营销策略滞后............................ 9
3国际市场态势对山东省蔬菜出口贸易的影响 ........10
3.1技术壁垒愈演愈烈层出不穷 ....................10
3.2进口国发达的蔬菜产业的冲击 ..................10
3.3严格的商品检验检疫制度 ......................12
3.4国际市场需求档次逐步提高 ....................12
4 山东蔬菜出口贸易对策分析 .....................12
4.1政府政策方面分析 ............................12
4.2 出口加工企业方面分析 .......................14
参考文献 .......................................17
致   谢 ........................................18

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