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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ025       包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:17414,页数:23

摘   要


【关键词】 电子商务   山东省中小企业   发展策略



Appearance of Electronic business is a gospel for the small and medium-sized enterprises. Electronic business changes the traditional operational process of SMEs. Size is not a great gulf fixed between big enterprises and SMEs. On the coming of the informational age and globalization, SMEs must adopt Electronic business to rebuild the traditional operational process to face the drastic market competition. Shandong province is one of China''''s more developed provinces with a large number of enterprises, especially SMEs. The healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises plays an important role in economic development in Shandong province.
With a view to Shandong’s SMEs, this paper analyses the importance of Electronic business for SMEs and put forward proper Electronic business strategy suited for Shandong’s SMEs. This paper is composed of four parts. The first part presents the research background, research methods and the significance of the research. In the second part, the features of Shandong’s small and medium-sized enterprises are summarized. The urgent need of small and medium sized enterprises in developing E-commerce facing the intense market competition is analyzed. Simultaneously, the existing problems in the E-commerce development of small and medium-sized enterprises are pointed out. The third part introduces the Small and medium-sized enterprises how to make use of net and technological services that EC can offer and what should do for the government to help SMEs developing EC. The last part introduces the trend of EC development of Shandong’s Middle and Small Enterprises, and enumerates a successful case about EC development of middle or small Enterprises.

【Key Words】 E-commerce; Shandong’s Medium-sized and small enterprises;Development tactics


目  录

1 引言 ....................................................2
1.1本文研究的背景与意义 ...................................2
1.2 山东省电子商务发展现状 ................................2
1.3文献综述 ...............................................3
2 电子商务对企业发展的影响 ................................5
2.2 增强企业成本竞争优势 ..................................6
2.4 提高顾客满意程度 ......................................8
3 山东省中小企业发展电子商务所面临的困境 ..................8
3.1 信息化程度低.......................................... 9
3. 2 电子商务人才紧缺......................................10
3. 3 缺乏合理的物流配送技术支持 ...........................10
3.4 网络安全得不到有效保证 ................................11
3. 5 .地区和城乡发展不平衡 ................................11
4 山东省中小企业发展电子商务的策略探讨 ....................11
4.1 中小企业发展电子商务的对策 ............................11
4.2政府在电子商务发展中的作用 .............................16
5 案例分析 ................................................19
6总结与展望 ...............................................21
参考文献 ..................................................22
致   谢 ...................................................23

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