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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ031       包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:13552,页数:20

摘   要


【关键词】 电子商务   移动电子商务   无线互联   价值链  ]


With further popularization of E-Commerce(EC), development of mobile communication and Internet access, a new application field which is called Mobile E-Commerce(MEC) appears gradually. Some experts predict that MEC will be one of the main developing models of EC in future, which will lead to another revolution of EC. This paper mainly studies the application of MEC in Shenzhen City. Firstly, on the basis of observing the current developing status and trend of MEC, the author talks about the characteristics and current status of application of MEC. Secondly, the author analyzes the key problems of application and development of MEC. Finally, the author raises some counter-measures and solutions of developing MEC in Shenzhen City. As for external environment, the government should create a good environment for developing MEC. As for internal conditions, all parts of participating MEC should develop with coordinating one with another, Enterprises and individuals should also take active parts in the MEC. Then, a dynamic MEC value-chain with characteristics of openness, unification, security and high efficiency will be constructed. This will promote the competitiveness of existence and development of EC in Shenzhen City.

【Key Words】 E-Commerce; Mobile E-Commerce; Wireless Internet Access


目  录

1  引言 ...................................................2
1.1 移动电子商务的发展背景 ................................2
1.2 移动电子商务的研究意义 ................................3
1.3 文献综述 ..............................................4
2  移动电子商务的特点和应用领域 ...........................5
2.1 移动电子商务的特点 ....................................5
2.2 移动电子商务的优势 ....................................5
2.3 移动电子商务的应用领域 ................................6
3  深圳市移动电子商务发展现状和面临困境 ...................7
3.1 深圳市移动电子商务发展现状 ............................7
3.2 深圳市移动电子的发展障碍 ..............................8
4  深圳市发展移动电子商务的策略 ...........................11
4.1 提高认识并创营造良好的移动电子商务发展环境............ 11
4.2 完善支撑与配套系统 ....................................12
4.3 制定和完善移动电子商务政策法律 ........................13
4.4 移动电子商务各方积极参与和共同努力 ....................14
5  案例分析—深圳移动通信将金融服务“移动”化 .............15
5.1 案例介绍 ..............................................15
5.2 案例点评与成功借鉴 ....................................16
6  结论与展望 .............................................17
6.1结论 ...................................................17
6.2展望................................................... 17
参考文献 ..................................................19
致谢 ......................................................20

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