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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM249  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:7936,页数:13

摘   要


[关键词] 电子商务;手机支付;问题;解决对策



   Mobile telephone is paid as one kind of Electronic Commerce new and developing method of payment , is is very big different from the tradition electron method of payment. Compared with the tradition electron payment, mobile telephone there is existing several aspect advantage in payment: Payment process is comparatively safe , convenient and rapid is more advanced. This this method of payment space for development is will do extremely big , that mobile telephone is more and more common , ceaselessness of mobile telephone consumer increases by makes mobile telephone payment space for development previous tier besides.
   But, though mobile telephone payment is compared with to paying way other existence a lot of advantage , mobile telephone payment has not been accepted by masses but , the cause bringing about this condition has several aspect mainly: The sincerity mobile telephone is paid believes that system is not enough to improve and perfect , the system dignity is distinguished is not enough to improve and perfect ,  the tradition still having a consumer consumes the restraint being accustomed and consumer''''s evil intention inclination etc.Only when we the cause that mobile telephone method of payment develops in restricting Electronic Commerce is looked for out,and, specifically for these problem brings forward solving corresponding with to be put into effect, countermeasure , ability let mobile telephone payment have more long-term development.

[Key Words] Electronic commerce ;handset payment ;problem ;solution countermeasure


目   录
1  引言 ............................................................2
1.1   研究背景 .....................................................2
1.2   问题的提出 ...................................................3
1.3   创新与不足 ...................................................3
2   手机支付的几种方式 .............................................4
2.1   短信支付 .....................................................4
2.2   语音支付 .....................................................5
2.3   手机上网支付 .................................................5
3  手机支付目前存在的问题及制约其发展的原因 ........................6
3.1   手机支付目前存在的问题 .......................................6
3.2   制约手机支付发展的原因 .......................................7
4  解决方案 ........................................................9
4.1   政府应采取的措施 .............................................9
4.2   商家应采取的措施 ............................................10
4.3   消费者方面的措施 ............................................11
5  总结 ...........................................................11
参考文献 ..........................................................12
致   谢 ...........................................................13

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