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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM214    论文字数:13068,页数:21

摘   要

     随着改革开放的深入,世界经济全球化一体化进程的加快,中美合资企业作为一种多元文化机构,必然会面临来自不同国家的文化体系的摩擦与碰撞。在实践中,其所暴露出的跨文化管理问题已日益受到理论界和企业界的高度重视。本文以吉诺特克发电机有限公司为例,主要探讨了中美合资企业在面对多元文化体系的差异和冲突时,所涉及的跨文化管理理论与实践问题。首先,介绍了跨文化管理的相关内容;其次,分别从管理思想、管理规范、管理行为三个层面对该公司在中美文化差异与冲突问题上进行论述,最后,在此基础上提出了相应的对策建议。在思想上,要加强跨文化理解与沟通,建立共同经营观 ,建设“合金 ”企业文化,树立共同愿景;在规范上,实行本土化经营战略,建立人本型法制的管理方式;在行为上,系统地规划跨文化培训,招募员工时 ,重点考虑语言能力、团队合作精神和对不同文化的包容性。

【关键词】 中美合资企业     跨文化管理    文化差异       对策



Along with the reform and open policy and the fast speed of the economic globalization, Sino-US joint ventures are facing conflicts and collisions from different cultural systems as a multicultural organization. The problem of cross-cultural management that have exposed have been attached a lot importance by theory and corporate, this thesis mainly discuss the theory and practice issues of cross-cultural management, taking the example of Jinuoteke Generator. Co Ltd. Firstly, this thesis introduce relevant concept of cross-cultural management. Secondly, comment respectively Sino-us culture differences and conflict problem of the company on managing thought, managing norm, administrative behavior three facing. In the end, this thesis provides some corresponding suggestions. In ideology, we should strengthen the understanding and communication of trans-culture, set up the standpoint of common management, build “alloy” corporate culture and establish common aspiration; In the standard, implements the localization management strategy, establishes the human legal system the management way; In behavior, make out a comprehensive plan of cross-cultural management. When employ staff members, we should take the ability of language .the spirit of cooperation team of and toleration of different culture into consideration.

【Key Words】Sino-US Joint Venture Companies;Cross-cultural Management; Cultural Difference;Policy

目   录

1.  引言.....................................................2
 1.1本论文的目的与意义...................................... 2
 1.2文献综述................................................ 2
 1.3论文创新与不足之处 ......................................3
2.  中美合资企业的跨文化管理概述 ............................3
 2.1跨文化管理的定义及内涵 ..................................3
 2.2中美文化差异 ............................................4
3.  吉诺特克发电机有限公司的文化差异与冲突 ..................7
 3.1管理思想的差异 ..........................................8
 3.2管理规范的差异.......................................... 9
 3.3管理行为的差异 ..........................................10
4.  对策建议 ................................................12
 4.1管理思想差异方面的对策 ..................................12
 4.2管理规范差异方面的对策 ..................................13
 4.3管理行为差异方面的对策 ..................................15
结语........................................................ 17
参考文献 ....................................................18
致谢 ........................................................19

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