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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ033       包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:12985,页数:19

摘   要


【关键字】电子商务  企业信息化  私营企业  网络技术


In 21st Century, private enterprises have opportunities to develop, owing the great help from the government and superiority from the operation of E-commerce. The development of private enterprises reflects greatly the development of local economy. The text studies those private enterprises’ development ways in our country, and tries to analyze the necessities and feasibilities of E-commerce. First, the text states the present development situation of private enterprises’ and discusses comprehensive characteristics with more details. Second, the paper analyzes the internal and external factors that obstruct the development of private enterprises. Then, according to the analysis to the private enterprises, the author tries to propose the available ways to make the private enterprises develop smoothly in E-commerce times.

【Key Words】Electronic Commerce; Corporation Informationization;
Private Enterprise; Network Technology


目  录

1 引言 ...................................................2
1.1 本文研究的背景与意义 .................................2
1.2 国内外发展现状 .......................................2
1.3 相关概念 .............................................3
1.3.1 电子商务 ...........................................3
1.3.2 企业信息化 .........................................3
1.3.3 私营企业 ...........................................3
2 私营企业电子商务发展现状............................... 4
2.1 私营企业电子商务开展的阶段性特点 .....................4
2.2 私营企业电子商务发展现状 .............................4
3 私营企业发展电子商务的必要性与可行性 ...................5
3.1 私营企业发展电子商务的必要性 .........................5
3.2 私营企业发展电子商务的可行性 .........................6
4 制约私营企业电子商务发展的因素分析 .....................8
4.1 妨碍企业应用电子商务的内部因素 .......................8
4.2 妨碍企业应用电子商务的外部因素 .......................9
4.3 妨碍企业电子商务发展的应用因素 .......................11
5 发展私营企业电子商务的途径分析 .........................12
5.1 选择合适的开发模式和开发程序 .........................12
5.2 建立柔性电子商务信息系统 .............................13
5.3 重视对电子商务专业人员的培养 .........................13
5.4 确保电子交易的安全 ...................................14
5.5 发挥私营企业特色以应对电子商务的激烈竞争 .............14
6 总结与展望 .............................................15
参考文献 .................................................16
致谢 .....................................................17

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