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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM057   包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:12292,页数:19

摘   要
【关键词】促销  价格  营销组合

With the development of informationization in the era of information economy, the scale of information economy become larger, and the information industry rise sharply in the whole world as a foundation. E-information, as a new industry, take a more important possession increasingly. SONY, which brand has occupied the market in China gradually and set up its good brand figure by using perfect and reasonable marketing tactics such as products strategy ,price strategy ,sales promotion strategy and sales distribution strategy to catch the real situation of Chinese market and to scheme a synthetic strategy.    According to the analysis of the succession how SONY make such good marketing and sales in Chinese mainland under the background of the present situation of our E-information industry, we can shade a light on how to develop it.
【Key words】Promotion;Price;Marketing  Mix


目   录

1 引言 ..............................................2
1.1写作思路 .........................................2
1.2文献综述 .........................................2
2  索尼在中国的发展现状 .............................2
2.1公司概况......................................... 2
2.2在中国的发展历程 .................................3
3  索尼品牌入驻中国市场的障碍分析 ...................3
3.1国际竞争对手加入 .................................3
3.2中国二线品牌的冲击 ...............................4
3.3索尼内部劣势 .....................................5
4  索尼在中国大陆的营销战略 .........................5
4.1 产品策略 ........................................6
4.2价格策略 .........................................9
4.3促销策略 .........................................12
4.4分销策略 .........................................14
5中国电子产品发展品牌战略的启示 .....................15
5.1高质高价的品牌产品 ...............................16
5.2维系品牌战略 .....................................16
参考文献 ............................................18
致   谢 .............................................19

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