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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ017        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:14682,页数:20

摘   要


【关键词】 电子商务 B2C  物流             




Beginning from 1998 , the B2C booms in China, and many domestic companies have registered themselves as B2C companies. In the process of rapid development,it  reflects a series of issues, such as network security, e-commerce legal gaps, distribution system inefficiency, traditional thinking and business models which hinder the development of B2C. So how to manage logistics under this circumstances is the key to B2C and the success of its seizing opportunities.
In this paper, the first chapter describes the background and significance of logistics B2C research, and the B2C model has become the important feature of the “network economy'''' era. The second chapter describes the main model and the results achieved of logistics B2C.The third chapter analyzes major logistics problems of B2C, such as insufficient B2C logistics management personnel, high logistics cost and low efficience, etc. In the fourth chapter, the paper has raised several solutions, such as the training of e-commerce talents, vigorous development of modern logistics. Finally, the fifth chapter describes the summary and outlook, the B2C logistics will get more space to develop.

【Key Words】 E-commerce; B2C; Logistics


目  录

1   引言...................................................2
1.1 国内外B2C物流研究背景 .................................2
1.2 B2C物流研究意义 .......................................3
1.3 文献综述 ..............................................4
1.4 本文的创新与不足...................................... 5
2 B2C物流运营状况和主要模式 ...............................5
2.1 B2C物流运营状况 .......................................5
2.2 适合我国发展B2C物流的主要模式 .........................6
3  B2C物流发展应用中存在的问题 ............................7
3.1 B2C物流人才总量不足 ...................................7
3.2 社会认识滞后于B2C物流的发展 ...........................8
3.3 B2C物流网络基础设施落后 ...............................8
3.4 B2C物流法规制度建设滞后 ...............................9
3.5 没有掌握B2C物流管理核心 ...............................9
4   B2C 物流发展的促进方法 ................................10
4.1 着重加强高级B2C物流综合性人才的培养 ...................10
4.2必须提高全社会对B2C物流的认识 ..........................10
4.3建设电子化的物流系统 ...................................11
4.4 加大B2C物流法律建设 ...................................12
4.5 发展B2C物流智能规划系统作为管理核心 ...................14
4.6 B2C物流必须以客户服务为中心 ...........................14
4.7  Dell B2C 物流模式的案例分析 ..........................15
5    总结和展望 ...........................................17
5.1 总结 ..................................................17
5.2 展望 ..................................................18
致    谢 ..................................................20

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