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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM212    论文字数:9971,页数:15

摘   要

【关键词】日本   企业文化   借鉴


It is a universal standpoint that corporate culture is one of the key points in corporate competition after business study of many scholars. On the basis of the basic assessment, this thesis starts to learning Japanese corporate culture. In the beginning, the thesis reviews the content of Japanese corporate cultural, then it analyses Japanese corporate culture characteristics and advantages, and finally shows that our Chinese corporate should learn and study the spirit of Japanese corporate in the process of building corporate culture, such as: people—oriented principle,the spirit of  economization,the consciousness of misery,the spirit of learning and innovation,the national consciousness,team work spirit,and the management idea of emphasis on the unification of economic and social achievements,which are revealed by Japanese enterprise culture.  
Japanese corporate culture is a great weapon which is formed in more then one century. So far, it has a great impact on enterprise management. We need to identify the advantages for which our Chinese corporate can communicate and cooperate with other corporate well. In addition, it can help our Chinese corporate in the process of building a strong and vital culture.  

【Key Words】Japan;  Corporate Culture; Using for Reference

目   录

1    引言.................................................... 2
1.1 目的和意义 ..............................................2
1.2 国内外研究状况及发展趋势 ................................2
1.3 创新与不足 ..............................................3
2    日本企业文化的核心理念 ..................................3
2.1 “和”的理念............................................ 4
2.2 “忠”的理念 ............................................4
2.3 “勤”的理念 ............................................5
2.4 “人本”理念 ............................................5
3    日本企业文化的特征 ......................................6
3.1 强调企业文化中经营理念的重要性 ..........................6
3.2 以人为本,重视团队精神的发挥 ............................6
4    日本企业文化的优势与启示 ................................8
4.1 日本企业文化的优势...................................... 8
4.2 几点启示 ................................................8
5   值得我们借鉴的日本企业文化 ..............................9
5.1 “以人为本”的思想 ......................................10
5.2 节约精神和忧患意识 ......................................10
5.3 强烈的学习愿望和创新精神 ................................11
5.4 民族意识和团队精神 ......................................11
5.5 经营理念强调经济效益与社会效益的统一.................... 12
6    结束语 ..................................................12
参考文献 .....................................................14
致  谢 .......................................................15

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