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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM213    论文字数:12097,页数:18

摘  要

【关键词】跨文化管理 中德合资企业 策略


    Coupled with economic development in our country, a growing number of Chinese enterprises try to expand their overseas markets, especially after China entering into the World Trade Organization. However, the weakness that the Chinese enterprises reveal in cross-culture management becomes increasingly clear in the initial stage of transnational operation. Therefore, they are in urgent demand of successful experiences about it. As one of the largest capital export countries, Germany has plenty of experiences on cross-culture management and thus I take the Sino-German joint venture corporation as an example in the thesis. The main content of the thesis are as follows: First of all, the key concepts such as cross-culture, cross-culture management have been introduced briefly in order to gain preliminary knowledge about it. Secondly, with the intention of discussing the necessity of cross-culture management, the cross-culture conflicts have been classified; what’s more, the relationship between the cross-culture management and the enterprises’ productiveness has also been analyzed. Thirdly, on the basis of the detail analysis of several Sino-German joint venture corporations’ cases, I conclude the general strategies and specific measures on cross-culture management and cite the famous model diamond structure. Finally, considering the disadvantages on cross-culture management that the medium-sized and small-sized enterprises have, I sum up the experiences of Sino-German joint venture Corporation and bring forward some suggestions to expect a more brilliant prospect of our country’s enterprises.

【Key Words】 Cross-culture management; Sino-German joint venture Corporation; Strategies

目  录
1   引言 ...............................................................2
1.1 论文选题的背景及意义 ...............................................2
1.2 核心概念解释 .......................................................2

1.3 相关文献综述 .......................................................3
2   中德合资企业跨文化管理的必要性 .....................................4
2.1 跨文化冲突 .........................................................4
2.2 跨文化管理与企业效益 ...............................................7
3   中德合资企业跨文化管理的策略 .......................................8
3.1 跨文化管理的策略 ...................................................8
3.2 跨文化管理的具体措施 ...............................................12
4   对我国中小企业跨国经营的启示 .......................................14
4.1 我国中小企业跨文化管理的劣势分析 ...................................14
4.2 中德合资企业跨文化管理经验对我国中小企业跨国经营的启示 .............15
5   结语 ...............................................................16
参考文献 ...............................................................17
致    谢 ...............................................................18

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