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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM629  论文字数:13091.页数:20

摘 要


FDI To China’s International Trade Impact Analysis


 International trade and direct investment have played more and more important role in the world economy system. In 1930’s, someone had raised the point that "Trade is the engine of economic growth"; and in 1990’s, the point of view "corporations are the engine of economic growth" was also raised. Since 1990’s, one of the important feature of the world economy is the growth of international trade has developed faster than production, and the growth of international direct investment has developed faster than the growth of international trade. Therefore, the international trade and foreign direct investment has played a notable role in the world economy. International trade and foreign direct investment are the result of goods and factors production flow in the world and the relationship between them are much closed.
 The relationship between international trade and direct investment in
the different historical periods has different manifestations. The development of International trade is earlier than direct investment, which performance the role as the pilot of direct investment. That is to say in a certain extent, direct investment gradually replace the role of the international trade. Meanwhile, the development of direct investment will promote the development of international trade, which reflects a complementary relationship between them. In short, the relationship between international trade and direct investment can be expressed as promote positive for relations, but also can be expressed as an alternative to the negative relationship.

KEYWORDS: foreign direct investment,International trade


第一章 前  言 1
第一节  相关定义与概念 1
一、国际贸易与直接投资之间的替代性 1
二、国际贸易与直接投资之间的互补性和创造性 2
第二节 外国直接投资在我国的发展状况与特点 2
第二章  外商直接投资对我国进出口贸易的影响 4
第一节 外国直接投资对我国进口贸易的影响 5
第二节  外国直接投资对我国出口贸易的影响 6
一、外商直接投资我国劳动密集型产业的影响 6
二、外商直接投资我国潜在优势出口产业的影响 7
三、外商技术优势产业向我国劣势产业的直接投资的影响 9
第三章 针对FDI对我国出口贸易的不利影响应采取的措施 10
第一节   我国政府应采取的措施 10
一、我国的对外开放应有新思路 10
二、我国应在投资和贸易流程方面创新 10
三、我国的贸易与投资政策 11
第二节  本国企业应采取的一些积极措施 12
一、积极参与跨国并购浪潮中的引资竞争 12
二、合理利用国家的优惠政策,率先发展壮大 12
三、提高自主创新能力,提高吸收外国技术的能力 13
四、中国企业也要实施走出去战略,加大对外直接投资 13
第四章  展望 14
参考文献 15
致     谢

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