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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM235  论文字数:13155,页数:21

摘    要


【关键词】外资零售业 并购 采购成本 市场结构 管理模式



In the 1990’s, foreign chain retailers began to enter Chinese market and they have gained tremendous development with continuous enlargement of China’s reform and opening-up policies during the past ten years. International retailer magnates such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour which have huge basis of econmy,porlific operating models, advanced information technology of international and professional staff supervise have held a considerable status in Chinese retailer markets during the begin of small joint-venture shareholders then proprietary joint-venture and the exclusive investment operation ,an the last development of capital mergence.
Though retailing plays a vital role in national economy, they have a great influence on the domestic market, retailers, manufactures .However, it still brings some advantage for Chinese retailers to develop and reform ,at the same time, also give us a number of useful suggestion.

【Key Words】International retailer magnates;capital mergence, purchase cost;
Structure of market;operating models
目   录

 引言 2
1.1  外资零售业在中国发展的进程 ..................................3
1.1  外资零售业在中国的发家史.................................... 3
1.2  外资零售业在中国发展取得的成效 ..............................4
2.2  外资零售业在中国发展带来的影响 ..............................6
2.1  外资零售业对中国市场结构的冲击 ..............................6
2.2  外资零售业对国内零售业的冲击 ................................8
3.1  外资零售业发展模式分析...................................... 9
3.1  外资零售业经营理念分析 ......................................9
3.2  外资零售业管理模式分析..................................... .10
3.3  成本控制分析 ................................................12
4.1  外资零售业对本土零售业的启示 ................................14
4.1  积极变革,引入先进经营理念 ..................................14
4.2  寻求创新,调整管理模式 ......................................14
4.3  总结经验,有效控制成本 ......................................15
4.4  因地制宜,特色化经营业态 ....................................16
4.5  政策扶持,发挥政府作用 ......................................16
参考文献  成本控制分析 ...........................................17
致谢  成本控制分析 ...............................................18
附录  成本控制分析 ...............................................19

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