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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM273  论文字数:12367,页数:17

摘    要


【关键词】 外资并购 垄断 竞争 反垄断立法


With the upgrade of market opening level in China, the influx of foreign capital into China by Merger and Acquisition has been an important trend concerning Foreign Direct Investment in China, which inevitably affects our economy in various ways. On the one hand, it has a lot of advantages such as boosting the capital accumulation, advancing technology and management. On the other hand, it also causes monopoly. How to make and improve our competitive legal system in line with international ones becomes the focus issue in this field.
Taking the above issue into consideration, the author here approaches“the research of anti-trust issue on foreign capital M&A”from the perspective of foreign capital M&A, combining the standardization analysis and the empirical study, meanwhile,  comparative methods are conducted to give a research  on other countries law regulation concerning this issue. The author hopes that this thesis would be helpful to build an anti-trust legal system which is conducive to both attraction of the foreign investment and protection of competition and anti-trust.

【Keyword】: Merger and Acquisition of ; M Foreign Capital; Monopoly; Competition;  Anti-Trust Law Competition

目  录

1外资在华开展并购的现状与趋势.......................... 2
1.1外资并购的现状 ......................................2
1.2外资在华开展并购的新趋势............................ 3
2外资在华并购的垄断倾向................................ 6
3外资在华并购垄断倾向的动因分析........................ 9
4我国应对外资并购垄断倾向的对策....................... 10
4.1 正确选择外资并购中反垄断立法的模式................10
4.2 合理确立外资并购中垄断状态的认定标准..............11
4.3 完善外资并购反垄断的申报与审查制度................12
4 .4 建立外资并购反垄断的豁免制度 .....................13
4.5 健全外资并购反垄断的执法机构 ......................14
参考文献.............................................. 16
致   谢 ...............................................17

  • 上一篇资讯: 欧盟CAP的挑战及其前景
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